
YouTube transcript

Skin Tag Removal in 15 Mins @ Home!

Languages available: en

welcome to skin tags dot com skin tags can be removed with one easy fifteen-minute treatment at home the skin tag removal kit contains all you require to remove 3240 skin tags and skin healing cream containing oil here we have a young lady with a skin tag on her neck she is very aware of it removed after cleaning the area with the stamp pad here we can see the enemy board being used to rapidly services to allow the active ingredient straight into the body to destroy it the applicator is used to cover this game with the solution a mild stinging sensation is normal at this stage any exit dreams right away the previous left in place for 15 minutes in some cases a second application may be needed whether skin tags and fresh water is used to remove the dried green and clean the treated area we can see at the end the host can take his turn sure sign that the treatment had been successful the treated area is quite read this should be expected there may even be slight swelling around the place but this is temp the healing cream contain the oil is then applied to the treated area and surrounding him after a short time around the area has reduced leaving only local record up to 24 hours we concede there is a little down the treated area and this can take have become darker and smaller 234 days the skin-tight becomes gradually smaller and harden after five days the skin tag has fallen leaving only a small pink patch of skin after eight weeks there is no school whatsoever not even a tiny mark their skin is perfect matches your kids today from skin tags dot com