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뽀롱뽀롱 뽀로로 아기냉장고 장난감 캐리 크롱 에디 소꿉놀이 Pororo Refrigerator toys игрушка CarrieAndToys

Languages available: zh-Hans en

Hi. This is Carrie from Carrie and Toys. Today, we will be playing with the Ice-making Porong Porong Pororo Baby Refrigerator. Let’s start. Let’s first look at the box. This toy is for kids 37-month-old and older. The refrigerator is full of delicious food, and it can also make ice. Let’s open up the box. Ta-da. In the box, there are ice cream, milk and 2 eggs, a cup of ice cream and a cup noodle, meat, fish, a cabbage, 6 bottles of beverages, a can of soda, lemon juice, ketchup and a knife, a cup, an ice container with 6 pieces of ice, ta-da, 2 cookies and a cake, and lastly, the Pororo refrigerator where you can put all of them. Now, let’s organize the items inside the refrigerator. Come out here. Wait. Here comes the Pororo refrigerator. Let’s open the doors, and let’s open the bottom door too. First goes cold ice cream that Carrie loves. Carrie also loves cakes. Let’s put this cake in the bottom too. Next is the chocolate cookie. Done. Now, let’s fill it up with beverages. Milk that makes you grow tall. Sour lemon juice. And beverages with pictures of Pororo’s friends Petty Eddy Loopy Crong and lastly, Pororo Let’s put the ketchup and the blueback fish. You should eat a lot of fish. Meat. Beef and pork. Vegetable. The vegetable goes here. The strawberry cookie also goes in. The cup noodle too. Ice cream on the other side. The soda goes here too. Eggs [Rooster sound.] go near the vegetable. Lastly, let’s put the 6 pieces of ice in this container. One two three four five Now, let’s close the doors, put the cup inside, and we are ready! Now, let’s play with the Pororo refrigerator with Pororo and his friends. Today, we’ve invited Pororo and his friends here. Which food should we make? What should we make? Let’s look inside the refrigerator. We bought a lot of ingredients for our invited friends. Firstly, let’s prepare the cake. Hi. Hi. Hi. (Carrie, we are hungry. Give us some food.) Oh no. What should I do? I am not ready yet, but Pororo and his friends are already here. (Carrie, hurry up. I am hungry. Give me something to drink.) You two stay there. You guys can’t eat yet. Why aren’t you sleeping, Crong. (Hurry up. I want some drinks. Wait, there is a cake. Give me that cake.) I do have a cake, but you should share it with your friends. (No, I want it now.) Ugh. Then, Carrie will give you half the cake. Wait a moment. [Slicing.] This half we keep for Eddy and Pororo. You can have this cake. [Eating.] (I am done. You should give me something to drink too.) Oh, you are a lot of trouble. Then, eat this beverage that looks just like you, Crong soda. [Yap, yap, yap] (Oh, I am full. I need to sleep now. I am going to sleep beside Pororo.) (Oh, who is it? Who woke me up? Carrie, I am hungry.) Oh no. One goes to sleep and another wakes up, one goes to sleep and another wakes up. What do you want to eat? It’s your choice. (I want ice cream.) Ok, then I will give you this ice cream. Do you want it? (There is a bigger one there. Why do you give me a smaller one when there is a bigger one over there?) Oh, you have good eyes. This is too big and if you eat it all, others cannot have it. [Eating.] Why did you eat it all? You go to sleep too. (Okay. Time for a nap.) (Who woke me up?) (Why are they sleeping? I am hungry Carrie. Give me something to eat.) What do we do? We don’t have much left. (Meat. I want meat.) Meat? This is raw. You can’t eat it. Then, from what’s left, how about a chocolate cookie. (No. I like a strawberry cookie) Don’t be too picky. Ok, I will give you a strawberry cookie. Here you go. [Eating.] (I am going to take the leftovers home.) Hey, if you take the leftovers, what are the friends going to have. (There is still a chocolate cookie left.) You have quick wits. Wait, your head is big but you are short. Let’s drink some milk to get taller. [Drinking.] All done. Now, it’s time for you to sleep too. Bye-bye. He is going to sleep. It’s so hot because of Pororo and his friends. Carrie is going to quickly clean up and have a cup of water. With a lot of ice pour the water, and… [Drinking.] It’s cold. Today, we’ve played with the Ice-making Porong Porong Pororo Baby Refrigerator. How was it? Did you have fun? Carrie will be back with more fun toys next week. Bye-bye.