
YouTube transcript

Eye Tests That Look Like Magic

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blind spots. human eyes have a blind spot when the optic nerve exits the back in the eye. this area has no light receptors because the nerve is in the way you can find your blind spot with this test. look at the red cross on the left with your right eye closing your left eye, move your head slowly closer and further away "So weird" at a certain distance the blue dot on the right will disappear pause if you need to, you've just found your blind spot After images, stare at the white dot in the center of the image and try not to blink. your eyes have three types of cones or color receptors red, green and blue. after images appear when you stare at a particular color for too long and those color receptors get tired. so when you suddenly switch to looking at a black and white image those tired receptors aren't working as well this leaves an afterimage of the reverse colors. See your veins. blood vessels and veins feed the photosensitive cells in your eye to keep them alive these blood vessels cast shadows on your retina here's how you can see those veins. poke a small hole in a post it note or piece of paper hold that against a bright white background like your computer screen look to the hole while shaking the post-it slightly you should see a shadowy network online sort of like the veins a leaf these are the veins in your eye "Oh, wow" Gross... dominant eyes most people have a dominant eyes, I'm meaning that one eye gives more priority information than the other eighty percent of people are right eye dominant see which is your dominant eye. make a triangle between your thumbs and forefingers With both eyes open, look at an object several feet away Center the object inside the triangle, close one eye and then the other. your dominant eye will look like this and your non-dominant eye it will look like this. it's almost visionary.. see what I did there