
YouTube transcript

"IT BEGINS!" - BURIED Zombies w/ Ali-A #1 - (Black Ops 2 Zombies Gameplay)

Languages available: en

[MUSIC] Hello everyone, welcome. My name is Ali-A, we are playing the new Buried Zombies map. As always you guys want me to do is an epic map. There is so much stuff to do. You can see I have so much stuff around one. So lets jump into it. Lets get started. Lets do this. First thing we do is just jump straight down. There's no need to chill up there for very long at all to be honest. And we're gonna grab this. Then we're gonna get an easy, easy, easy 1,000 points. You get a 1,000 points each time you draw a weapon on to the wall, so that is one of many tips this map. There's so much stuff to do. And granted, it does take a while to get your head around it. But trust me, once you get your head around it, it's awesome. So, next thing we're gonna do is get rid or get Leroy out of here. I'm just gonna call him Leroy. I don't think technically his name is Leroy. But I don't know if he has, a technical, like official, official name, so I'm just gonna call him Leroy to be honest. Grab the booze from here. Get him out. And the booze you can feed him, of course, to destroy these barriers. [NOISE] You can get so much stuff by round one done. So I'm going to try and do it as quickly as possible for you guys. Just to get through, I'm going to [NOISE] get rid of that guy as well. Thank you very much, laddie. And the first thing we're going to do with the points I have is go this way, open up the route here. Because this will lead us straight to the bank. We're going to take out 3,000 points. You can put points in by depositing it there. So already bam, round one. Got quick revive, fleed, freed Leroy, and we've got 3,000 points. I'm gonna buy I'm gonna buy the PDW. And technically, it's a free weapon, which is awesome. Because what happens is, as soon as you take that chalk, and, you place it down, you get 1,000 points. And the PEW, for example, costs 1,000 points. So it's pretty much a free weapon, which is sweet. So we're gonna put it on here, we're gonna get 1,000 points, and then we're gonna buy it for 1,000 points. We just got a free weapon, which is awesome. Next thing to do, just a few more things to set up, don't worry. Is turn on the power and we may even get Juggernaut in round one, we'll see how we go. And then to do the power we're jump this way. Those guys that don't really know the map or play it a little bit but don't really know the layout. I think this is one of the easier maps to fully understand the layout. There's, there's a few core buildings. As long as you sorta learn this jump's important, thank you. As long as you learn those key layouts, then you should be good to go. So, I'm gonna go this way, jump over here. Watch out for the little hole there, you don't really want to fall down there. You just go to the room underneath, this is just a bit of a pain when you fall down. So and the next thing I'm gonna do is open up this room here. Cuz this room, it's going to have booze in it. And we haven't, damn it, I thought. Okay, we can't buy any booze at the moment because. Or no, it's given us another one. Fair enough, I will take that. Normally, it only gives you one, one per, per round, I thought, but whatever. I'm taking it. So now, since we have got booze, we're gonna bring over Leroy, the big dude over here. We're gonna get Juggernaut round one. And I think we are going to start up because we have done like in a few minutes, a lot. [LAUGH] Which is sweet. So let's get this guy, wait ,let's go and get, [SOUND] let's get this guy out there, get some points from him. I honestly think this point in this map isn't like a massive deal when it comes to points. I think it's very easy to set up and get a lot of points. And you can always use the banks. And make sure you're taking advantage of that. And then, bam, you get a map. At the moment, you don't quite have enough points for Juggernaut, so let's go and get this guy. Oh, fine, no waiting around, that's cool. Gives it a bit of a speed. And then, actually no, he actually bashes the barriers. And you get points for bashing the barriers. Like you get so many points for so many things. That's sweet. And so yeah, round two, let's go. You don't want to shoot him because if you shoot him he'll go back in his cage. And you've got to re-find the key which is placed around the map. And that's a bit of a pain to get him out. So we will [SOUND] get rid of these guys and stop powing through the rounds. So I think this is really sick zombies map. Like genuinely love it. [SOUND] Let's go get, hit up the mystery box. Hope you get a LMG or something sick like that. Oh, blimy [INAUDIBLE] not quite as great, I think it's got a lot of recoil. Yeah, they add, they patched like a load of the weapons just have a ridiculous amount of recoil and this is one of them. So now it's like when you shoot it, so. Let's get rid these guys up here, thank you. [SOUND] Noise. There we go, round two done and dusted. I've got a nice little technique as well for for this map which hopefully I can put it to use. I want to destroy a few more barriers if the, there we go, another booze bot who's popped up. That's awesome. It's going to get this, and I'll get Leroy to destroy that one next. [SOUND] So if he comes this way, [SOUND] to get rid of the zombies that spawn around us. [SOUND] Thank you. There we go, lets give him a boost, should be a good line up. Don't think he'll miss. [SOUND] Yeah, good stuff. You can miss, be careful. When you, you give him the booze, make sure that his back is facing where you want him to go so that's the best thing to do. I see you in the distance, mate. I see you. Don't think you can hide in the shadows, boy. Gonna run around the SMGs, you get quicker run times so. Where is everyone at? This weapon here, here we go. Thank you. Insecure's about to end. [SOUND] Is there any more there? No? Where you at mate? Where is everyone? There we go. [SOUND] Okay, cool. Now let's see if it will let us buy booze now. Yeah, there you go. You've got to find that first one, and then you good to go. You could also make Leroy do so much stuff. I'm not going to get rid of this barrier. I don't want it to be open, actually. I could go and get some more points. Let's do that really quickly. This gives us another grand in the pocket. [SOUND] Screw it, let's do this really quickly. [SOUND] We again don't really need it, but it's just useful. It gets sorta like, it's basically free points if you think about it. If you really wanted to you could start and start this map. Just cycle through picking up all these chalk weapons, and throw the money into the bank. And then, die. And then, when you come back, you could have just a load of money in the bank if you wanted. So, but the bank's pretty easy to fill up to be honest, and if you do fill it up, it's really useful. So, was a useful, cost a lot of money, but I'm sure we'll probably pick them up at some point. Cost 6,000 so it's hardly cheap. But [NOISE] definitely worth it, cuz they're super strong, and just a good melee weapon to help you get through this. All right, cool. I'm not going to get that. I'm wanting to come out the map as quickly as possible at the moment. So I'm using this because it's pretty crap, to be honest. And I just wanna get rid of this ammo. So, I mean, within multiplayer, it's a monster, but within zombies, just has a bit too much recoil for my liking. [NOISE] I can sense a new round to start. Let's go and see [NOISE] where the booze have spawned in. It spawned in over there. Nope. There's definitely more, there's definitely two zombies left. So that's good. If there's only one, he'll start sprinting. So that's why, that's why it's good. Cuz the booze just there. No, what the frick? Is it buyable? Have we missed it? Where is the booze? The booze? Do, do da. There we go. I didn't miss it. It was just there. Just going to leave that guy. And now we can go and get the new pack, freaking sick, mate. It's really really good, like, just the little things it does. Like the little bits of ammo, little bits of points, the fact you can stand in the green mist to help you run away from the zombies. I'll show you all this, just over there. You can only get in here with the booze. Now, you can also get, you can also get in the house, which is a very scary place. I'm not going to lie. I'm gonna show you a little technique to get in there without actually using Leroy. Make sure Leroy's all lined up. Okay, let's go and give' em that. Now, you can actually get over there, without getting Leroy to break that. You can jump up on here, jump up on there. And then go over. But I don't wanna go over, so I'm gonna leave that. Now, did he miss? Nah, he didn't miss. Sick. Let's go and pick up our little perk, and boom, well on the way, mate. Well on the way. Let's go and pick it up. 3,000 doo, doo, okay, cool. Up there I can use another question mark, so that's [SOUND] useful. That, that's the green mist you can stand in. You can see the little perk, the little perk at the bottom left. Going green, so you know you're standing in it. You can get a little bit of money, not very much at all. And then you can get some ammo. You get like, three bullets per bit, but it's kinda useful nonetheless. Now, let, I'm gonna show you guys my technique. This place here is dodgy unless you have the paralyze on. I don't have that at the moment, so I'm gonna leave that alone. Place is really risky, I'm not gonna lie. See you at where the booze has spawned. Yes, it's just over here. I'm not surprised I couldn't see it the first time because it's quite a weird place. Okay, it's got here. Let's go around this way [SOUND] and jump. Now I like threw a little lap at the map, a miniature lap and then sit at the end here. [SOUND] And then just spray through here. [SOUND] And then you can get like a really nice spray going on so. And then you can go run through, get all of that and it's all dandy. So no, no, no, no, no, no, bad zombies. Didn't say we could do that yet. [SOUND] You could crouch and shoot with a weapon that has this much recoil. It's a lot more effective, so we're gonna do that instead. Push through. Nice, double points, that's what we like to see. [SOUND] No. Did I shoot, did I shoot Leroy? Nah, he's just going stinky. That's why, it must be his smell, that's why he runs away from it. Ha. Look at his feet. He almost stood in crap. Good, okay, he's not running back to home alert, I think so. If you do accidentally shoot the nasty thing, he goes back into his little cage and it's really annoying. So ooh, yes, buddy, look at that, Ray Gun Mark II. Thank you. [SOUND] That's what we like to see. Oh, he's come back. No, it's not, sweet, okay, cool. Ray Gun Mark II happily take that. Freaking beast. Hey, hey Leroy. Look what I've got. I've got the Ray Gun Mark II. Do you like, do you like it? I'm not going to shoot him though because that would suck. Okay, cool. I shoot, damn it, I've done the wrong thing again. I'm going to go back over here and try and do my little technique. Hopefully I can get it working. It's only around six, but it's just cool to see if it works. And where is Speed Cola? It's up there. Okay cool. We'll just go over there by the door, that's awesome. Speed Cola is super useful, so definitely want to get that. So I'm going to go around here wait for him to start following me, go up this way. And then I'm going to go up here, make sure we don't get cut off. Do a little loop, loop de loop. And then I'm going to go down here like this. And going to let these guys follow me. You can then get a spray in here, like shoot down there but I don't want to do that quite yet. Because there's still zombies spawning in the map. And then if you kill them there's going to be more spawning so [SOUND] I'm going to get rid of this one in particular just because. But nowhere near, like she's really close to me now. Here you wanna be careful, we're getting to these zombies. Then you wanna go up here. Let the fun begin, so I'm gonna place that there. Place a load of points over there. And then just spray, spray [SOUND]. And then pow. Look at that mate. Look at that, oh my gosh the big zombie scared me. Oh no it wasn't some zombie. I think there's some Max Ammo up there so I'm gonna collect that. Because that's pretty damn useful. [SOUND] There we go. Yeah that was sweet. Now I've got a Cola left as well. Probably best to go and get Speed Cola now to be honest. So that's useful. Now you can go through there, it's a sweet shop, but because we got George, George. [INAUDIBLE] Because we could go up to him to destroy that. Now can we go upstairs from here? I belive the stairs, damn it there isn't. We got trolled. I think then, we may have to get the flip-a-roony [SOUND] to flip up there. I know it's another way of getting up there, but the flipper may be the best way of doing it. Cuz I do actually need, I do actually want the flipper for another reason. Flipper being the-. What? [SOUND] What the trolling trolls? Getting trolled, all right, don't go that way either. All right, so we're gonna go in here. We're gonna build the little thingamabob. I've already done a video on this. It's nice and easy to make, so that's part one. And there's only one zombie left. So there's a reason I want this to trample steam because oh, I've just missed it. I'm an idiot. Let's go and put this in there, hope he doesn't hit me too many times. Oh, he hit me once, nice not too bad. Oh, It was a second time while coming through there. What? I'm at zero? I think the parts for this may be actually permanent because. Is there another one up here? Swear I saw it in there, but maybe not. [SOUND] There you go thank you. You usually don't stand there and put it in, but it didn't really do much so. And the next part's there. Thank you very much zombie for cooperating. Love the fact you've got the Ray Gun Mark II so early on boys. Let's go. All right let's add that in. I think we've one more. Yep, part added. Thank you. And then the Trample Steam's super useful for a few reasons. I think the final part's here, there we go. Nice. >> Am I the only one carrying things? >> Yes, Bro, cuz you're the only one on the map. You see, the big guy is someone on the map, and you can make him build something. But I want to make sure this one is the one that was built, so, okay, thank you. There's a reason I want this. So I can. Oh, what the. Okay, my, my aim got so screwed up. Put that over there. Thank you. I do not want to, I don't want to kill that zombie quite yet, so there we go. Thank you. And now we're over here. I'm trying to work out how to get here normally just so I can do it myself. Where's it lead to? Oh, you can, it's just a door up here. I am a freaking idiot. Oh well. Still, I need the Trample Steam, so we definitely haven't lost anything there. We definitely haven't taken any steps back from that. So that's cool. And, and we got PhD Flopper, nice I'll take that. The green flash means a permanent perk, just for those of you guys who don't know. And then what I am going to do, I an going to grab this. All right mate. Just flip me instead. It's not like I tried to pick you up or anything. It's not like I made you. It's not like I'm your owner. I'll just go and grab it. And, there we go, thank you. And before, actually no, no, no. I don't want to kill something quite yet. Do, doom, doom, doom. It's just a sick little setup I'm trying. I want to see how well it works. So, then, let's kill this guy then. Okay, let's place it there. Is that where I want it? Yeah. Does that mean I can get past though without it flipping? I think so. [SOUND] Okay, no it will flip me. Oh, well. Can I go like this? Yeah, I can. Okay, cool. All right. Cool, cool, cool, cool. All right. Just trying out different techniques. I think we lost the PhD Flopper, fuck. Your landing goes when, like, you fall down, so you gotta be careful. [SOUND] Speed Cola, I love you mate. I love you. Let's head upstairs. Let's get this party rolling, see if our little technique works. And we can head into the mansion at some point as well, so, come up top, guys. Come join the party. We're gonna be careful of zombies spawning there, and zombies just coming in. So okay, we're gonna leg it at this point because there's a load of zombies this way. Leroy was just like, you know what? Zombies, not gonna help you there, mate. Not gonna help ya. [SOUND] One guy there, being a nub. Do not want you. Thank you very much. Another guy spawning on the floor over there. Little orb over there, but we don't need that. We're not about that life, mate. We don't need that. We've got all of these guys in this corner over here. We're gonna get more wool over there, and then we can try our technique. [SOUND] See if it works. Okay. I don't wanna go over the Trample Steams, we're gonna go this way. [SOUND] Oh, you, you serious? [SOUND] Wow, it flipped us back. What a troll, what a troll, what a troll. We almost did it, but I freaking landed on the Trample Steam. Oh well. [SOUND]. I'm gonna spray through everyone now, so. [SOUND] Thank you. Let's go out of there, we don't need it. Think we killed most of them, actually, wasn't that many, around seven, so [MUSIC]

photos welcome i think that may be a flame bagfilms mentions of god using synthetic meant so much stuff please except for myself and one let's jump into this case i'd let's do this festivities this gem state that he had his job at very low and uh... the ground-based and again easy easy easy thousand point to get out the points each time you drove west of the war started that is one of many states this map this so much stuff to do and grant it does take awhile to head around a cop just want to get around it is for some sort mister with is that reads or get you out there article in the white at the techies name using the word by both of you has a tactical like officials official name start on stick with the likes of artist grab the food is imminent get now and if it is you can feed of course destroy these barriers yes i would stop by around one balance on the trying to squeak is possible for you guys is to get through it cared about guys well pat thank you very much alive day the festivities the points i had eighties go this way the uh... we've hit because it's really a straight to the bank you take out three thousand points you can put points being by the bosnian that and for a tab round one books packed revive three freidy lawyer and we've got three thousand points on the body for went up by a t_v_ self-abuse and technically it's a free weapon which is awesome because what happens is is is it a capture or and uh... you place it down yet that's important sandip t_w_ for example costs about supports us pretty much a free weapons history's verdict on his we couldn't get out the points and then we're going to buy the left the store for you left which is also next thing to do it the studio thing to stop the light and is ten on the power hands we made him get germinal once they are we going and then to do college of this wek but because i haven't taken apple play it little bit but we never layout i think this is one of the easy maps to fully understand the layouts and is there's a few cool buildings is a list of learned destruct important thank you disillusioned and those key layouts and you should get together some meaning that this way jump over here what capital holiday deliver food and now he's going to the monthly consisted of painful downside uh... that makes it easier to have this room here because this route is going to have using it and behind dot at that point edu carbide is among because dispute it is another one fat enough i'll take that no we are usually form for a car and i thought that whatever i don't take it it's now since we've got through the mid torino italy where the big d overhead gonna get talked about one typically stuff up because we have done like in a few minutes allot not which is sweet so let's get this guy everywhere this guy get slipshod baga support from hands i want to do is put this map isn't like a massive deal when it comes to points i think and it's very easy to set up and get all the points and you can we seize the banks makes you think you bounced back an and ban given that let me go quite a forceful chuckle so that's going to this guy i'll finds went around the scoop is this the and actually i did he actually bashes the values and you get points a bachelor of arts like just suddenly police for so many things that's sweet band so yet granted a start indonesian batik shirts and go back a straight you get a refund if he was he placed around the map an estimate based on our side get rid of these guys to stop by for the right stuff i think it is a recent sony's maplin genuinely love it it's gonna get hit up and if you don't have to get an ngo thinks about public outsmart not cries grafting is complete at the top spot that was the weapons to separate the dismantling co and this is one of them some outside double wishes it's own starr's office noise that he got around to be done and dusted i've got my cell technique as well for him it's not like the activities and i want to destroy a few more barriers if the any kind of abuse called his popped up that's awesome it's going to get this and i'll get you exist dot when safety comes this way guesses on the phone around us that god has given the various should be a good line up but in humans yes good stuff you can make the catholic he didn't appear to make sure that turned his back is facing what you want him to go inside that's the best thing to do i see in the distance matrices something to hide in the shadows point but on the exegesis get picked the wrong time sorry whereas therefore stalking him insecure about something anymore that night i got it where's everyone earlier thankful now let's see if it was quite who's not in a car you could find that first one and then you get to go tools that make you would be so much of a lot whatever it is bad but wanted to go to actually and triggered decimal points the c_ dot really quickly this gives another grand in the pocket services really quickly the again that we need it dot it's just useful yet so what is basic reports i think about it what he really wants to he could stop and and start a snack just cycle through picking up for the short weapons and if you were the money to the bank and then dying and aaron when we come back to you have to some of the money in the bank you wanted side dot the banks pretty easy to fill out to be honest with you david others were useful sites dominik was used to cost a lot money joshua would probably take them off at some point cost six thousand so it's impolitic cheap bob definitely wasn't this is a strong interest in any way article and let's get back i want to come out uneasiness politics pretty traffic to your own it's not so we can even though we've had some on celebrations on these two suspects imagery quote my liking i seem to be rounded started let's concede glad this is a slow news it's going to have that no steppenwolf is that if you go pacific is only one yourself screens inside us why slapstick disagrees just that night with the frick is a viable we missed it where is the proves that our dues dum dum da better guide but it makes it usko believe acog and now we can go and get the new pack boat race if they can say connect that's really did like just did little things because of a new bits of amarillo bits of points and but you can stand in the greenest freeware appear on the way things on these i'll show you with us this just over that economic getting here with and the biggest now you can also get the coast guard the house which is pretty scary place in the light congress a word of techniques getting there without using the relief make sure you want to line up that's going to map now you can actually get over that i'll tell you it's great that you can jump up on him improper man vanguard provide only goes on without documents now i didn't miss it let's go and pick up on their own pocket and boot but on the way mate well on the way it's going to go up three thousand to sudan okay cool up that he's not uh... question mark so thats you thought about that for the misunderstanding because it apart by your pocketbook less degrees you know you standing in it didn't get a little bit all money not by much too and it gets a mammogram free but it's not that bad it's counties from unless let me show you guys might technique this place he needs torching unless you have the power lines and i don't have a monthly problem place agreed with him on the line so you would have to use a spoon yet is justified that plus five since it doesn't disqualifies skyrocket spare around this way not like the killer left of the math mitchell at mississippi and hit him disgraceful when you get a really nicely going on does run through killed about and so does decide na and and and and and and and unknown bad film based didn't say that you do not yet private issues weapon system actually cause a lot more facts website the fruit no i self-appointed like to say duchy of yours nicest exhausting day that's why does the smell that's why you runs away from the pack at his feet so most of the proper good case no for about five minutes and so on jackson issue nothing he goes back to diesel cajuns it's really annoying side who yes but the look that's great and not for you thank you as we'd like to see all these conductors nice and sweet potatoes rate amount to have to think that frickin periods they pay whatever i don't think that the reagan articulate like it another issue not downside uh... uh... okay true ajit dot on the wrong thing again knickerbocker today trying to my little technique i've got to get whacked in the last six days of school see if it works ways speak let alone it's not bad okay cool were destroyed and invited to a source of because these these foods are definitely not cigar and stay away from self foreign-made job this way and then regard him a credit card they're a little leukipoli did leave avante garde on head office and relays kaise funny timing desperation hale disproved she down that far i don't do that quite yet because let's do that we supported in the map and spend to keep you in this can be more sporting side a delegate davis one in particular because but nowhere near like she's replaced now do you want to cat food including some of these then your it often let the fun begins at a place like that place a lot of points out and it's brian and power look at that make you look at all what doctor basically said that it was it smoothly there's a maximum of cinema class that freedom youthful every carrier and sling nice a guy who left as well forty best to go in debt and speaker announcements site that's useful when they can go through that's a sweet shop but the critical of george that george so on and i physical fitness destroyed that mechanic of stares from head to leave the stairs kind of the reason spiegel trolled i think that int remax get the victory see fit up their notice in other waking up that but the fact that may be the best way doing exactly what she needs address you want the fact that for another reason for that but being v what's what's that shorting trolls patrol right note about me that tries to come in here but in the bill would fit within the ball avoid a video and this is a nice these estimates uh... despot wont company ones on the left side iseries no one is trying to steam because olufsen is definitely a confidence in that president clinton signs only everyone's nice not to dot of seconds on the coming through that a nasty broke i think the parties may get coupons because it's a novelty stress or whatever again thank you uso sand and pretend it doesn't need to be side and that's part bag that you've ever story for cooperating love the fact that they don't want to say well young boys that's gone tries i've got a half a week or more yet paul added thank you and then trample ccp useful for a few reasons of the final thoughts did norse now the only one carrying things get started on the map the big guys someone that we can make in doing something about also make sure this was one of the skills are advocate as the reason i wanted a second all might angle so screwed up uh... i do not want too but you're not on the court yet so study guides thank you and now work ahead on try to work out how to stay here in normandy just like to do it myself blessedly free all week and this is the door up a m a fraternity olive still piney travel seems we definitely lost internet if you haven't take a step back and perhaps that's true uh... who are not the h develop a nice i think that degree in fashion is a time to practice was adopted by tonight and then what means do grab this are they display instead but what i thought to pick you up or anything stuff i made it look your money or not or not marceca gravity uh... and again thank you i report to cash in and i don't usually quite yet they were doing things their own that all around them is this the city of set up a tribunal to see how it works so then chrysler than i want it something i could get costs that about the flipping things and that will fit me psychoanalysts dot com controls electrical group are destroying everything techniques popular enough the p_h_d_ felt before here and it goes for ninety four dash md thing for the test speaker dot allowed to make i'll love you that says status party rolling sea by the rules technique works in the contents of mentioned some point as well said topped up guys come join the party recap is on this morning and sons is coming inside negatives point because there's a lot of his own business like he was a cut you off sanitize on these knock it over tonight still can help you one guy that even up you know what you think today much of the guys for noon for that loo all but over that we don't need that will not like maybe i need that would it would be skies misquoted freedom like that and then we can try fattening luxembourg weird i want to go the tramp was the injured at this way all use you serious our kids back were trawler owner charles glacial always did it by clicking landed on the samples didn't is straight through dot every year every few months payments on the right side