
YouTube transcript

MINECRAFT FAIL, A Minecraft Parody

Languages available: en

Hey, look guys! its another minecraft parody. Because it hasnt been done before. Today im gonna waste your time by building a hoouuuussseeeee. lets get started shall we!? my house its beautiful. I sure hope nothing bad happens to it. your not going anywhere moda fucka. You.. your trying to crawl away.. bring me that ass! ughugh! oh please! I didnt mean no harm! sob sob cry cry. I DIDNT MEAN NO HARM!. No.... Ill show u harm... look at my salami. oh yes! Oh no... and its all for you. No please! I rly did mean you harm! You were gonna blow up my prostate, now im gonna clean out your colon! D:!!! D:!! D:<!! RAURUGHH!!! D: AUGHUGHHH D:< HURUGHUHGHG D8> AUGHUHGg#rHGJD%SEHGDS$% Sob sob sob. Oh the thrills! Come give me a hug C: