
YouTube transcript

The Last

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我愛妳 在我之前有幾個? 什麼意思? 就是… 在我之前你交過幾個女朋友? 愛過的嗎? 5個 在妳之前愛過5個女生 她們叫什麼名字? 「人」 「事」 「點」 「家」 「源」 可以跟我說說她們嗎? 「人」是我在大學認識的 我們並沒有很熟 但因為她外表漂亮 再加上在學期中的一些互動 我就像大多數一見鐘情的男生 只能用幻想填去空隙,編下我的故事 我也把她想象成女神級般人物了 她是三級年生 聯誼社的成員 而我… 只是一個剛進大學的花痴 有幾次機會跟她在課後相遇 讓我發現她既善良又樂天 唯一的問題是 競爭太大了 雖然她禮貌地拒絕了我 但我敢說,這個典型的聯誼社女生 肯定有對我這個笨笨的新生動過一絲情 「事」是我的老朋友 她不僅僅是一個普通朋友 我們在大學認識的,之後一直保持聯絡 我們看著對方成長,也陪伴彼此走過幾段戀情 我見過她的歷任男友 她也陪我渡過每一次失戀 她幽默,有品味,是個好女孩 我們幾乎是天造地設的一對 只可惜沒有把握好時機 大家都錯過彼此單身的時候 而我們之間的感情 也沒有到可以拋棄一切的程度 我們終究要面對和接受 學會放下不屬於我們的愛情 「點」是我的初戀 比較佔優的是,她和我經歷了最青澀的愛 初戀永遠是最難忘的 無法取代,也不能重來 因為光陰一去不復返 高中的我純真,好奇又愛冒險 我們很這方面都很相似 還有我們的初吻 深夜偷溜出去的約會 和電影放映會等 現在只能懷緬過去了 那段被珍藏在記憶中的愛情已無法捉摸 但我確定它存在過 我們當年雖年幼 但我很確定,那時候的我們 是相愛的 「家」是我在洛杉磯認識的 我沒有想過會留下來 一心只想完成那6個月的實習工作 但遇見她後,一切都變了 一年很快過去,年復年 我離不開那個城市 更離不開她 可能是我好勝 想幹一番事業給家裏人看 但她改變了我 我們是在這個城市開始的 這給了我一股新的力量 和一些經歷,使我快速成長 如果有人問起我喜歡那個城市 我一定會說是洛杉磯 我最愛的城市 「源」是我一個已經離世的密友 在她確診後,她曾對我說 死亡並不可怕 可惜的是她沒有相愛過 現在也不可能奢望得到愛了 好的壞的,痛心的窩心的 她走了以後 我不斷想起這番話 她提醒了我 活著最大的禮物 就是可以付出、接納甚至失去愛 有很多人跟她一樣 遺憾沒能經歷過愛 遺憾趕不及轟轟烈烈愛一場 她讓我明白到 這一生裏都不要錯過可以愛的機會 原來是這樣… 妳是第六個 第六個啊… 那… 我像她們那一個? 都不是 妳就是她們 妳就是我愛的「人」 那個我憧憬和幻想的女生 那個給了我勇氣去相信愛 妳是我愛的「事」 是互相了解的知己 妳是我愛的「點」 妳揭開了我人生新的一頁 我們會一起變老,一起回想往事 妳是我愛的「家」 只要有妳在的地方 天涯海角我也會跟著 妳是我愛的「源」 在遇到妳之前 我過著迷茫的人生 現在找到了 妳為我過去和未來填上顏色 妳是第六個 也是最後一個 那麼,在我之前妳又有幾個呢? 也是五個 他們都叫什麼? 「人」 「事」 「點」 「家」 「源」

here home how many for me cleanin how many girls %um love fire I love five women before you the names who what ways where why can turn who I loved was a girl from college wasn't exactly closer with some superficial fax in a few interactions over semester you know like most guys fantasizing over a girl they barely know I filled in the blank slate fairy tale of their and who should came in my head was probably more than the reality she was a third year swered yeah and I was infatuated freshman sure but several times you get to spend together outside of class really allowed me to see she also had a good-hearted rights period the only problem with this sorted just about every day and luster me down nicely isolated there were times when it seemed like the cliche sorority girl me it felt something for the typical awkward freshman in what I loved was no friend but she was much more than just a friend we met early in college in kept in touch through the years after we saw each other grow and change and through multiple relationships of ice are different boyfriends come and go she was also there for every girlfriend and brick mind personality humor taste comes off there her and I were almost perfect holding there wasn't perfect timing we were never single its time what we love about each other was never enough to leave who we were with this is something we eventually had to face nixon and we had to leave behind I'm what we have in when I love was my first girlfriend in highschool it's a bit unfair because she embodies a combination of both love and you feeling of young love is unique an impossible to replace replicate because we can only be that age once high schools a time I've innocence discovery adventure we share these three elements together in things like first kiss on late-night sneaking out did many movies all of which now have become my and histologic of preserved in the time that neither of us can touch I was there even though we were just its there's not a doubt in my mind there when we were in life in in in where I love kiss the girl I'm in Los Angeles I never intended to stay there that would whose sister six-month internship at graduations but it all changed when I meant soon a year has passed and somehow another year after that I'll I can leave the city the couldn't leave her maybe it was my desire to be on my own or prove something to everyone back in homes but she'll be accomplished over there with the relationship reflective the city we were in the new energy new experiences that really push me to mature more than anywho or anywhere else when people ask what city I love the mouse I said Miller city where I love the most in why I love as a close friend and I who passed away at said she told me after she was diagnosed that death was not what senator the box the fact that she never really felt like she had fallen in love she wouldn't get to have those emotions good and bad of being hurt being held after she passed word stop meetings teaching me to see that when the greatest gifts we have been alive his the ability to give receive in loose-leaf it there's so many like whose lives and before having any of those experiences the motorway stiff will strive to live their lives she may be understand why my way since life online teams with six six said then as you your who her on the pedestal the fans the make-believe things inner actually true sure what time the depth the inside jokes the best friend you a new histories be starting with you we are the young lovers are all their cells will someday reminisce about you are aware I love because I go anywhere just to be with you you why because before you I didn't really understand my house looking for now that we found each other you've given my past future me with a six so come you were there before me I'm so within who what when where the No are my my my my I'm