
YouTube transcript

The 10 CRAZIEST Drugs You Never Knew Existed!

Languages available: zh-Hant en es

(heavy breathing) - Okay, I don't think what that guy gave me was Tylenol. So, growing up we're all told by our teachers and parents to never do drugs because they're addictive and they'll ruin your life, baby. And the drugs that they warn up about are always the same ones, it's always the crack cocaine, the meth, and the devil weed. But as scary as those drugs are, they're nothing compared to some of the lesser known drugs that exist that are far stronger and have way scarier affects. So, get ready for this one because here are the 10 craziest drugs you never knew existed. Number one is The Devil's Breath. The scopolamine is known on the street as The Devil's Breath and can cause suggestibility and amnesia. The plant that it comes from is common in South America which makes it popular with Colombian criminals. The scariest part about it is that it's a completely odorless and tasteless powder that can simply be blown into a victim's face. Once that happens, the victim will do anything that the robber says. Everything from emptying their bank account to opening the front door of their own house. And the worst part is, they'll remember none of it the next day. Well, it's just a good thing it isn't easily available here. You want to subscribe to my channel. Oh. Doesn't work through the camera, huh? Number two is Benzo Fury. 6-APB, better known as Benzo Fury is a synthetic stimulant that's similar to MDA. The drug is said to be as dangerous as ecstasy and causes high blood pressure but the craziest part is that it's completely legal. By taking advantage of legal loopholes, its manufacturers label it as a research drug which makes it freely and easily available everywhere from clubs to music festivals and even online. It's manufacturers claim that it's not for human consumption as if they are unaware people are taking it. Yeah, okay, it just so happens that a whole bunch of young people are repeat purchasers of this product because they like doing scientific research on the weekends. Yeah, 'cause that's what they're using it for. Number three is Dipt. Dipt is a unique drug because unlike other hallucinogenics that make you see crazy things, the effects of this one are completely auditory. The effects of this drug are hearing voices, music is distorted, general confusion and ringing in the ears that lasts for up to two full weeks. I'm sorry, but exactly what part of that is supposed to be fun? Why would you want to take a drug that makes you sound like you've been in a concert for two weeks? (high-pitched ringing and distorted voice) Ha ha ha, everything's crazy right now, man. Your brain could be melting. I'm Darth Vader. Imagine hearing that. (beep) you up. Number four is Bromo-Dragonfly. Well, this one's a doozy. Bromo-Dragonfly is a psychedelic similar to LSD but instead of lasting three hours, it lasts three days. The drug has such lovely effects such as seizures, asphyxia, vomiting blood, spasms in your veins, and can screw up your blood vessels so badly that you might need an amputation or two. Man, that sounds like fun. You know, call me unadventurous but I think I'll stick to having a good 'ole beer on my night out as opposed to trying a drug that might transform me into something that look like the offspring of a meth head and Satan. Call me old-fashioned. Number five is Jenkem. This one's made of poop. No, seriously, it is. Jenkem also known as butt hash is a hallucinogenic inhalant that's made from fermented human waste. It's popular among Zambian children that store the dookie in a bottle for a week or so. The methane that forms in the bottle is inhaled which creates visual and auditory hallucinations for about an hour. A recent interview with a user of Jenkem described his trip on it as making him forget all of his worries and on top of that, he saw visions of his dead mother. You know, all joking aside, I'm not really one to believe in spirits, but to this guy, I would just like to say it probably was your mother you saw in your vision and she probably came back to earth to ask you why you're inhaling your own (beep) you freakin' psycho. The hell's wrong wit' you? Number six is DNP. 2,4-Dinitrophenol, better known as DNP is popularily taken for weight loss. Essentially what it does is severely ramp up your body's energy consumption meaning that you could literally sit around all day eating burgers and fries and still lose a ton of weight. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, not exactly because all of that energy used massively raises your body temperature. So much so that you literally cook from the inside. Now the drug is officially discontinued, although it's still widely available, especially in online pharmacies. Friends, trust me, if you wanna lose weight, the only way to do it is to hit up the gym. I mean, that's how I stay in shape. I would never touch this stuff, what? (smacking) I'm not on it, I swear. Number seven is Etorphine. Etorphine, or M99, works the exact same way as morphine and heroin except it's three to 5000 times stronger. Primarily used to knock out large animals, it's so strong that 1/100 of a gram can knock out an elephant. This drug is so crazy that simple contact with human skin will cause an overdose. It's available on the streets but as you could imagine, it's not super popular as the biggest side effect is death. Interestingly Etorphine has been used in multiple TV shows from The Office to The Vampire Diaries to Dexter. In fact, that's the drug that he uses every episode to knock out his victims. Damn Hollywood, you better be careful or you're gonna create some real life psychos. They could be anywhere. Even your computer screen. (ominous music) No, I'm not crazy. No really, I'm not. Number eight is Yage. This drink is a psychedelic brew of various plants prepared mainly with a special South American vine that contains the compound DMT. It's said to be one of the most effective tools of enlightenment and those who consume it experience profound positive changes in their lives afterwards. Of course, I'm not referring to the side effects of the drug which include potentially losing your mind, explosive diarrhea, and intense vomiting. But don't let that scare you. And if that doesn't convince you, Courtney Love is a huge proponent of this stuff and look at how she's doing. Convincing, I know. Number nine is DMHP. This drug is a super strong synthetic version of THC which is the active ingredient in marijuana. It's a pale yellow oil that was developed as a non-lethal alternative to fighting by the US Army. Just to give you an idea of how strong this stuff is, 0.0002 grams of DMHP is enough to make anybody high as a kite. The way that the Army wants to use it is in one milligram doses, which is enough to render an entire group of soldiers inoperative for up to three full days. Unfortunately but the 1970s, they had developed more effective chemical warfare agents so research on DMHP was stopped. But I say why? This is literally the perfect non-lethal alternative to fighting. One single spray of this stuff over the enemy forces and they'll go from fierce fighting enemies to friends that are just looking for munchies and somebody to watch Netflix with all day. And finally, number 10, Krokodil. This one has to be the nastiest drug on this list. Desomorphine, known on the street as Krokodil, is a cheaply made synthetic morphine that's made from codeine, iodine, and red phosphorus. It's essentially a brown sludge that has similar effects to heroin except it has way more serious side effects. The users of this drug develop severely dried out skin that gets quickly eaten away by the toxic ingredients within it. Disturbingly, that's where the drug gets its name from because it leaves its victims looking like they've developed crocodile skin. God damn, seriously? Who would ever inject this stuff? You are literally better off inhaling poop fumes, drinking a hallucinogenic brew, and getting super high off DMHP all at once than using this stuff. But no matter what, don't do drugs, kids. 'Cause drugs are bad, mm-kay? And that's it for this video guys. I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to all of you and say thank you so much because we recently had 250,000 subscribers, a quarter of a million, that's crazy. And I just wanted to say thank you to all of you because I couldn't have done it without you. Remember to add me to Facebook and Twitter. The links of those will be in the description along with all my other social networking sites. And be sure to do that because I love responding to the messages and tweets you guys send me. You guys are fantastic. And I will see you all back here next Saturday with a brand new video. Peace. Hey, look at you. You stuck around until the outshow screen. I appreciate that, not everybody does that. But you did it and that makes you special. Anyways, thanks so much for watching this video. If you enjoyed it, please remember to click the big red subscribe button below to subscribe to my channel. I release a new video every Saturday. And while you're at it, maybe click, the like button and share this on Facebook, Twitter, whatever you guys want, it's all very appreciated. And other than that, I am going to go off maybe for a walk and ponder why anybody, anybody would every do these drugs. Specifically Krokodil. It's basically like shooting mud into your arm. That's gross. Anyways, bye.