
YouTube transcript

Jake Shimabukuro: "Grand Ukulele" | Musicians at Google

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[PLAYING MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Thank you. Thank you. This next song that I'd like to perform for you is-- you know, one of the cool things about playing the ukulele is that you have a very limited range. And you have just basically four strings to work with. And I kind of talked about this the last time I was here. I said that you only have four strings. And sometimes, it can appear to be very limiting. Because you think, oh, on the ukulele, I only have four strings. But on the guitar, a guitar has six strings and you can get a much fuller sound and a bigger sound. And you always want more and more and more and more. So I wrote this song recently. Because I've been trying to compose more. And I always try to come up with a concept or an idea, whenever I'm writing a new piece. So this idea, though, came about by accident. See, I was changing my ukulele strings one day. And I put the first string on. [PLUCKS STRING] And then I put the second string on. [PLUCKS STRING] And then, I was going to put the third string on, but I couldn't find that string. So I was like, where did I put my third string? So I grabbed the fourth string. I put the fourth string on. [PLUCKS STRING] And instead of rushing off to look for another third string, I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool to write a song with just three strings? So this is a song called "Missing Three." And it's a piece that just uses three strings. That's it. And I thought it was kind of cool. Because on the ukulele, you always want more. You always think you need more strings. You need a greater range. So this is a song called "Missing Three" that kind of proves that you don't always need more. Sometimes less truly is more. And if you know what you're going for, if you know what you want to say or what you're trying to communicate, then sometimes you can just do it with three strings, rather than four. So here's a song called "Missing Three." [MUSIC - JAKE SHIMABUKURO, "MISSING THREE"] [APPLAUSE] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Thank you very much. Thank you. A song entitled "Missing Three." A couple other things happened to me since the last time I was here. Shortly after I was here at Google, I got married. So that was pretty cool. And seven weeks ago, my wife and I had our first baby. I know, I'm a dad. That's kind of a scary thought, right? But it's the most amazing thing. Because I'm kind of at that age where a lot of my friends have children. And a lot of them, they're on their second child already. But I remember when they first had their baby, they would always send me photos. Or they on their phones, they'd show me pictures. And then I'm just like, oh yeah, cute. But on the inside I'm like, I don't want to see this. Why are you showing me this? But it's amazing. It's so different when it's your own child. When it's your own child, you're just like, oh my god. Every little thing that they do, it's the cutest, most adorable thing. And it's so funny because now, I'll send pictures to everyone. But it's really the most amazing thing. And so this next song, I wrote it actually-- maybe when my wife was about six months pregnant. I wrote this song for the baby. And it's a song I call "Gentlemandolin." And like I was explaining before, that when I write a piece, I always like to have some concept, something that is different from anything else that I've done before in the past. And the way this song came about was, I love the sound of the mandolin. The mandolin is actually tuned like a violin. So it has a wide range. It has over a three-octave range, whereas the ukulele only has a two-octave range. So you can get these beautiful, lush chords on the mandolin that are very difficult to get on the ukulele. So I came across this chord voicing that to me, in my mind, kind of mimics the voicing of a mandolin player. And it sounds like this. It's a really far stretch like this, but you get this kind of sound. [STRUMMING CHORDS] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: It doesn't sound like a ukulele. It sounds more like a mandolin. So I wrote this song. And I used that idea for this tune for my son. And I call it "Gentlemandolin." And the title came about because I was thinking that I hope one day when my son grows up, he'll grow up to be a fine gentleman-- dolin. [LAUGHTER] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Here we go. All right, it's cheesy. I know. All right. Here we go. [MUSIC - JAKE SHIMABUKURO, "GENTLEMANDOLIN"] [APPLAUSE] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Thank you very much. Man. I get my inspiration from a lot of things. I'm sure it's the same for all of you. All of you here, you're all artists. And you're always trying to think of the next thing and what's going to be that next big idea. And it's funny because sometimes I get a lot of my inspiration from the most unusual things. I just did a short interview out here for that video. I think it's called "My Favorite Things." What's it's called? AUDIENCE: Yes. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: "My Favorite Things." So one of the things that I talked about was one of my favorite performances ever was a performance of Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby, a long time ago, he did this HBO special, this stand-up comedy special, called "Bill Cosby, Himself." And it was the most-- I think till this day, of all the comedians out there, this performance is still like the bible of stand-up comedy. And if you haven't seen it, you really should check it out. You guys have it in your archive. So you should definitely check it out. But if you can get the actual DVD of the entire performance, it is truly amazing. It's almost two hours long. And Bill Cosby sits in a chair. Not even a high chair, a regular-- like a chair that you're sitting in. And he's just sitting in that chair, holding a microphone, and telling these stories. And everyone is just at the edge of their seats, just dying, laughing, so entertained. And I realized-- because see, for me, that was very significant. Because when I first started out playing the ukulele, I was always playing with a singer. There was always a singer. And then I would be in the back playing-- [PLAYING CHORDS] [LAUGHTER] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: I would be the backing guy. So I'd be in the back, just kind of playing. And then when they're done singing, then I'd take a little solo. [PLAYING MELODY] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: And then back to-- [STRUMMING CHORDS] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: --and then they're singing again. So that was kind of my job. And the reason for that is because I am a terrible singer. I can't sing to save my life. So after a while, when I stopped working with singers, I thought-- I had this little band in high school. And when we broke up, I thought, oh, no, that's the end for me. Because what am I going to do? I can't sing. I'm just going to play my ukulele? I remember being so intimidated by standing up in front of an audience just with my ukulele and playing. In fact, some of my early performances, I would go on stage and just be like, (MUMBLING) uh, oh, this song is called "Sunshine of Your Love." [MUSIC - "SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE"] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: And I would start playing. But I was so afraid. Because I just thought, oh, the ukulele by itself, it just sounds so empty. And it doesn't have that full sound that I'm used to hearing when I go and listen to a concert. I want that big, big sound, right? But I couldn't get that with this instrument. But when I saw "Bill Cosby, Himself," when I saw him-- and I saw a man just come up on stage in front of thousands of people, sit in a chair with a microphone. And he could just connect with every single person in the room. And I was watching this on television. And I still felt like I was there. I felt like every story he was telling, he was looking right at me and telling this. Like I was sitting down in his living room and he was just sharing this amazing story with me. And I was so inspired by that. Because then I realized, you know what? The instrument that we hold is just an illusion. Guitar players-- like if you watch Jimi Hendrix, yeah, he's playing the guitar. But the guitar is just an illusion. His artistry, his music, he's communicating-- it's his whole-- before you even hear his guitar, you're hearing his spirit. He's communicating this thing. Like one of the things that I believe is all the music that you play and you hear happens. It's created and happens before it even gets to your instrument. Before I play that chord, I need to create it inside of me. I need to feel it and just create it first. And then, then I can play that chord. Or before I bend that note-- [PLAYING MUSIC, GUITAR-SOLO STYLE] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: --I need to create it inside of me, before it even gets to the instrument. So I used to watch him. And I used to watch him all the time. I watched that performance over and over. And he's just so natural. And the title of that tour was "Bill Cosby, Himself." And I realized that that's all you got to be. It doesn't matter if you're talking to one person or 1,000 people. The more you're comfortable with who you are, if you can just get up in front of-- and not be afraid to make fun of yourself. And not to have expectations of the audience, I think, is a big key. And that's the cool thing about being a ukulele player, is that audiences have such low expectations of me anyway. So if I don't have any expectations of my audience, I can simply get up on stage and just do my thing. And I don't have to worry about anything. If someone laughs, if they stay, then that's all a bonus. So I was telling that story because I was trying to relate that to a song. Yeah, yeah, so. What song was I going to play now? I don't remember. But anyway, that's kind of where a lot of my inspiration came from. It's not so much about playing the ukulele. But it's just about communicating with people. And that's what all of you do. Through Google, through YouTube, you're providing a vehicle for people to communicate from one side of our planet all the way to the other side. And it makes the planet seem so much smaller. It makes our world seem so much smaller. And I think that's a great thing. Because I grew up in Hawaii, where we live on a small island. And everyone's so community-minded. We're always thinking about the other person. And we all see how we're related and what I do affects this other person. What that person does affects the other person. And I think it's such a great way to look at the world now, is that we are all connected. We're all connected. And I think through music and through what you do, I think it's the perfect example. Because to me, music is not just a universal language, but it's the language of the universe. And you're helping to spread that language all across the world. And it's a beautiful thing. So I'm going to play one more song here. And they've asked me to try to play more original stuff just because of copyright issues and all of that. But I did want to play this one piece because this is the reason I'm here. And this is what started it all for me. And it was a simple four-minute video clip that happened to show up on the internet one day. And it was for a television show that I had done in New York called "Ukulele Disco." And I think I told this story the last time. But since then, I've made some changes to the song. So I thought I'd play it again. But this is George Harrison's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." [APPLAUSE] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: And it's probably my favorite song to play on the ukulele. And I can't play this enough. This is just so much fun. But it's amazing, talking about how to express yourself through the instrument. It's not just about the notes that you're playing or the chords that you're playing. But it's everything. It's just all the sounds that you can create. [PLAYING MUSIC] [MUSIC - "WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS"] [APPLAUSE] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Thank you very much. Thank you. Whew, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. MALE SPEAKER: That was awesome. And I just wanted you to know that was just such a famous version. That was how I was introduced to your music. And I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk a little bit about George Harrison. I know that he was an ambassador of the ukulele. George was famous for riding around in a car full of them and passing them out and wanting to literally get together and play with everyone he went. If you want to talk a little bit about that? JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Yeah, George Harrison was one of my heroes. He just adored this instrument. He had 100 times more ukuleles than I have. But the cool thing-- though I never got to meet him. I wish I did. I met his wife, Olivia Harrison, a few times. She actually came to a couple of my shows. And that was pretty amazing, being able to speak with her and talk with her. And she kept telling me, oh, I wish George was still alive today because he just loved this instrument so much. And he really believed that this instrument had so much potential to reach beyond. To me-- and I can't say exactly-- but I think George Harrison probably felt the same way. I think that the ukulele is very special. It's different from other instruments because people aren't afraid of this instrument. They're not intimidated by it. Because a lot of people don't even think of it as a real instrument. They think it's a toy, right? And I embrace that. I love that. Because I think every instrument should-- people should feel like that about every instrument. The piano-- oh, the piano, I can do-- oh, yeah, yeah-- or the violin or whatever it is. Because if you're afraid of an instrument, then you're never going to want to pick it up. You'll be too intimidated. Or in your mind, you think it's too hard. But with the ukulele-- I mean, my grandmother just started playing the ukulele. And now, she's jamming with her girlfriends. And they're singing, you are my sunshine, my only sun-- they're singing songs like that. But like I said earlier, I believe that music is not just the universal language, but it's the language of the universe. And there's something amazing that happens when you have the ability to speak that language. When you can pick up an instrument and just do this-- [STRUMS CHORDS] and you know that I can do this, it just makes you feel so good. I tell you, it's like an entire yoga session in one strum. I mean, you can play one chord over and over and over. And there's just something about that. It just brings you back to center. It zeroes you out. And George Harrison loved that about this instrument. He loved turning people onto it. And loved showing people how easy it is to play. Because you get that instant gratification. The moment you pick it up, you can just take one finger and just put it right there, and be like, wow. [STRUMMING CHORDS - "MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB"] [LAUGHTER] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Like, oh my gosh. If I had to do that on a trumpet, it would take me like two months before I could even get a decent sound. Or a violin, it takes you two months before you can even hold the bow without cramping. So it's that instant gratification. And I think that when people pick it up for the first time and they play it, they're like, wow, I can do this. I can make music. And to me, that's the joy that music should bring. That joy, everyone should feel that joy when they're playing the piano for the first time, when they're playing the violin for the first time. When they're playing the saxophone for the first time, when they're playing the guitar for the first time. If everyone could feel that joy, I think there would be a lot more people playing instruments. AUDIENCE: Well, I had a question for you, Jake. I was at the screening of the documentary. Congratulations on that. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Oh, thank you very much. AUDIENCE: That was pretty amazing. One thing that really came through in the documentary is how much of a family affair your music is. And so I wanted to see if you could tell us a little bit more about that. And maybe let us know if that Shimabukuro family concert at that screening is going to be available later. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Oh, well, the documentary that Cliff's talking about is, I just recently did my first full-length documentary with PBS. And we've been shooting it for a little over two years now. And we just wrapped it up last week Wednesday. And it's going to be premiering at some of the film festivals. And it's also going to broadcast on PBS national TV sometime early next year. So I'm very excited about this. Because it was pretty amazing just for me to kind of sit-- and I don't like to see myself on television or anything. But just being able to sit there and see the last like 30 years of my life just kind of go by. And it really took me back to why I fell in love with this instrument, how I got into it. I started playing at the age of four. And I got into it because my mom played. She played. And the first thing she taught me was my C chord. And I would just do this all day. And I loved it. I did that every day. I'd come home from school, pick up my ukulele, and just play. And my mom loved it. My family, they love music. And I also have a younger brother who plays, too. And when we were kids, that's what we'd do together. We'd always play the ukulele together. My brother was really good at sports. And I mean, he was very well rounded. Like for me, the only thing I could do was play the ukulele. Like till this day, I can't dribble and do a layup. I mean, I'm horrible. But there was something about music that I could just sit down for hours at a time and just play and discover new chords and new sounds. So that really kept our family together. My dad played a little bit of guitar. But they weren't professional musicians or anything. But there was always music playing in the house. So I think in the documentary, it kind of talks about my parents. They divorced and all that. And so music kind of became my-- because my mom was my first teacher. And she would spend a lot of time, when I was a kid, teaching me. So I think once my parents got the divorce and my mom had to work all the time-- my brother and I, we're five years apart. So I would always stay home. And I would always have to watch him. I always felt like he was more like my son than my brother. And so I think playing the ukulele for me was-- in my mind, now looking back at everything-- was kind of like that was me trying to make up for those lost times of spending with my mom or my family. It kind of took me back. So I guess that's where my passion, I guess, comes from for this instrument. And even though I'm away from home a lot of times, having the ukulele with me and being able to play and share all of these things, I think I always feel like I'm right back with them. Thank you. AUDIENCE: I was just wondering if you had any plans or expectations on teaching your baby the ukulele. And if so, at what age you're planning on introducing it? JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Well, I have no expectations right now. I mean, I want him to do whatever he wants to do. But I definitely want him to have music. And it's funny because on my new album, the song that I wrote for him is called "Gentlemandolin." And it's the third song on the album. And it's funny because recently, while I was on tour, my wife discovered that when he's crying, if she puts the CD on, he immediately stops. And she says, it's amazing. So she said, she puts the CD on. And as soon as she puts it on, the first song starts. And she said he just kind of stops and he just kind of listens. And he becomes super mellow. Then the second song comes on. And it's actually a cover of Adele's "Rolling in the Deep," and he listens through that. And then she said the third song comes on, which is the song I wrote for him. As soon as that song starts, he starts, [WAILING] like starts crying. She says it's unbelievable-- every single time. She said, he just doesn't like that song. So I don't know. But anyways, so I probably won't be teaching him that song. Yeah, but I definitely want to get him into music. Yeah, for sure. Thank you. Thank you very much. MALE SPEAKER: You were talking a little earlier about just kind of growing up with a ukulele and playing it for so long. But it's an instrument I've heard my entire life. And I've never heard it played the way you do, until you came along. So what happened in your life when you were playing? When did it start transpiring, you started learning new things and started bringing things out of the instrument that other people didn't see? JAKE SHIMABUKURO: I think for me I started out playing all traditional Hawaiian music. But then I think there came a time, I think when I was just in my early teenage years, when I saw my first Van Halen concert. And it wasn't so much that I wanted to play all those fancy guitar riffs or anything like that. But it was more about the energy. When I see rock bands play, I admire their energy. It's not necessarily I want to play that kind of music or I want to play that song or anything. But I want to play with that kind of energy. And so whether I'm playing a Hawaiian tune or a jazz standard or a classical piece or a pop tune, or even if I'm covering a rock song, I want to play with that energy all the time. And it's not always the physical kind of energy or the kind of energy that you can see visually, like just the running and jumping on stage, jumping around and all that. I mean, that's great too. I like that, when I'm like-- [PLAYING MUSIC] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: I like to kind of move with the music. But it's also the other kind of energy, the energy that comes from within, that focus, that mental focus. I'm always talking about like when I would do workshops. And I would talk with kids and performers about when you're playing your instrument, it doesn't matter what instrument you're playing. Like when I'm playing the ukulele and I'm going to play a chord, it's not just the mechanics. It's not just about my finger and my hand, my fingers holding down the right strings and my hand just doing this. It's not about that. But there's so much that happens before and after the stroke. So there's a lot of preparation. And I always kind of compare it to a pitcher. You know, when you watch a really good baseball pitcher, the windup-- I mean everything, the follow through, the focus, the visualizing of how the ball is going to curve or drop. All of that is so important. Like even when you're playing the ukulele, that's what I'm thinking. Before even I even hit the strings-- you can't really tell, but my toes curl up in my shoes. And I can feel all that energy in my ankles and the balls of my feet, to my knees, to my hips. Everything that comes down, up my back, through my shoulders. And when I make contact with the string, it's all that energy directed this way. And it's not just the physical energy. But it's all my mental focus, my thoughts. Everything is going in that direction, going with the music, playing with that kind of conviction, my spirit. Everything that I have, that I have control of, I try to bring that into every stroke, into every strum. And it's not just the hard-hitting stuff. It's the soft stuff, too. It's like when you play-- [PLAYING MUSIC, DELICATELY] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: I want to just bring that-- bring every note out. And it's still that follow-through, that same conviction, that same energy that I would if I were playing like a rock tune and a classical piece or a ballad. It's a different kind of energy. But it's still that same intensity, with that same conviction, that you want to put into every little note, every little movement. Everything that you do needs to be somehow connected to the music, whether it's just a simple tapping of the foot or tapping of the toes. Or if it's a little twitch in the face. Like you watch guitar players sometimes and they do these uncontrollable facial expressions. They're just like-- and it's because all of that movement, everything that's happening, is somehow connected with the sound or an idea or a concept that they're trying to convey emotionally. And I don't remember what the question was anymore. But I hope I answered it. MALE SPEAKER: Yeah. You did answer it. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Oh, OK. MALE SPEAKER: Right here. AUDIENCE: Thank you so much for playing for us today. I have a question about if there's anything particular about your instrument that you'd like to talk about. How did you end up choosing this particular ukulele to play? JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Oh, yeah. Well, this is an instrument, a ukulele made by a family called the Kamaka family. And they're made right in Hawaii. And they were the first family to start manufacturing ukuleles in the world. I think they're going on four generations of ukulele makers right now. And it's just a family business. And they were the first Hawaiians to learn how to build these instruments from the Portuguese immigrants that came over to the Islands to work in the plantation fields. So they were the ones who really started to build the first ukuleles. And it's quite extraordinary. Because they've been building ukuleles for almost 100 years now. And when I was a kid-- in Hawaii, everybody knows Kamaka Ukulele. When I was growing up, my dream was to have this ukulele. They call this a tenor-size instrument. It's a tenor, four-string Kamaka. And it was my dream to have the instrument because in my eyes, it was like the Excalibur of instruments. But they're very expensive. So when I was a kid, there was no way I could afford something like this. And so now that I get to play this instrument every day, I just feel so honored. Because there's just so much history and so much experience and knowledge that goes into every single one of their instruments. So to actually be able to play and to use one, to travel with, and to create music with, to write music with, I just feel like all of that history comes with everything that I do. So yeah, that's what it is. It's a Kamaka. Yes? AUDIENCE: Hi. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Hi. AUDIENCE: It's always such an inspiration to see you perform. And two years ago, when I last saw you, I was so inspired that I went and I brought an ukulele. Because I used to play the Venezuelan four-string cautro. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Oh, yes, yes. AUDIENCE: It's pretty much the same thing, right? So I took it and I went to the guitar store. I just went right from-- where you were, I went right to the guitar store. I bought this little four-string thing, took it home. And there I am with my little three chords, you know, chinka, chinka, chinka, chinka, chinka, chinka, chinka, chinka. Anyway, my then 13-year-old wanders up, like, hey, Mom, what's that? I never saw it again. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Wow. AUDIENCE: She goes off to school every day with a fiberglass ukulele slung across her back. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Nice. AUDIENCE: So I just wanted to let you know that you had that kind of impact. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Aw, thank you very much. AUDIENCE: Thank you. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: That's beautiful. One of the coolest things for me is seeing-- like when I tour now and do shows, we see a lot of kids, young kids, come to the show now. And they don't look like ukulele players. They come with the ukulele players. But they have their fingernails all painted black. They have spiky hair, piercings. And they just think the ukulele is the coolest thing. They'll come up and they'll be like, oh, yeah, I used to play heavy metal guitar. And then I saw you play "Why My Guitar Gently Weeps" on YouTube. And I threw my guitar away and I bought a ukulele. And this is all I play now. And It's just the most incredible thing. Because 10 years ago, or even I don't know-- maybe not even 10 years ago, it was always the opposite. People would start on the ukulele. And then after that, once they can play it pretty good, then they want to put it away and move on to a guitar. Because their goal is to play the guitar and to use a ukulele as a stepping stool to get to the guitar. But now it's really cool that people that have been playing the guitar want to put their guitars away and pick up the ukulele. So it's great. [? AUDIENCE: Guitar players ?] are [INAUDIBLE]. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Yes? AUDIENCE: Thanks for the amazing performance. So I just have a question-- have you ever thought about giving up becoming a musician like that then? When you were frustrated, and how you get over that. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Oh, no. The thought never crossed my mind that I would ever want to give up playing. But to be honest, when I was a kid-- or even up until 10 years ago, 15 years ago, I had no idea that I was going to be a touring musician or even or I could do this all the time. I knew that I would always play this instrument for the rest of my life because it's my passion. But I thought it would just be like coffee shops. When l was just out of high school, I used to play at a lot of weddings and graduation parties and birthday parties and family functions. But never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be doing what I'm doing today. So it never crossed my mind that I'm going to ever give this up. But as things started to evolve and a career started to shape up for me, through the internet and all that, and now I'm touring. Like now, in this next two months, we're touring through 40 cities. And we got a whole tour bus now and a seven-man crew, with a sound and lighting guy. And I never imagined any of that. It's just incredible. When I was growing up, I thought I was going to be a school teacher. I thought I was going to go into education because I love working with kids. And then I thought, the ukulele is the perfect way to connect with kids. So I thought in my classes, in the lessons, I could always use this. So I would always have it. But it's been real challenging. There have been times, like when I first started touring, there were a lot of challenges. But you kind of get through them. You work through them. Like I say, when I first started performing, I couldn't look at everyone and play. I was so nervous. I'd be so afraid to talk. And it's hard. But you love it. You love it so much. And you always want to figure out, how can I improve on this? How can I make this better? Because I realized that I can practice all I want in my room, just by myself. But it doesn't give me that same satisfaction. Because to me, again, music is all about communicating. It's about making a connection with people. And once I started learning how to connect with people through this instrument, oh, my gosh, it was just a rush. Now when I perform at a venue and there are moments where I'd be playing. And you'd get to a real sensitive part and you play that one chord. [STRUMS CHORD] And you can just almost feel the entire audience just breathing with you and just taking it all in and just waiting for that last note to fade away. And then even after you can't hear it anymore, it's just silence, silence, silence, silence. And then everyone starts clapping. And it's those moments that it's such a rush. Because you just feel like everyone is experiencing the same thing. And I guess the only way I can think about it's like for surfers when they catch that perfect wave. And they're just on that wave and just nothing else matters. You're just on that wave. Or when I'm on stage and I'm playing, it's like nothing else matters. I'm just having, really literally, having the time of my life. And so for me, it's-- yeah, there are challenges. But a lot of it is just pressure that I put on myself. I'm a bit of a perfectionist in some ways. And I want to keep learning and keep discovering new things. So sometimes you go through these periods where you're just at a plateau. And you're like, when's that next idea going to come? Or when's that next concept going to come? But yeah, you find ways to-- but then when you find it, then it's like, oh, my gosh, yes. That's amazing. And it carries you. That inspiration, that excitement carries you through the next one. Thank you. Yes? AUDIENCE: Hi. I guess I can't get enough of hearing about "While My Guitar Gently Weeps," which was always one of my favorite songs. And it's the reason I know who you are. Because a close friend of mine said, oh, you've got to listen to this guy. Here he is on YouTube. His name's Jake something. And your version of it just blew me away. It was absolutely-- JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Thank you. AUDIENCE: --gorgeous. And especially a song that I care so much about, to hear someone else do it. It was so beautiful it moved me to tears. And I actually made it my ringtone-- JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Oh, no way. AUDIENCE: --like a week before you came to Google the first time. And then I saw you the first time and had a chance to talk to you and ask you if you'd ever met George Harrison. And I forgot to tell you that I'd actually just made it my ringtone, even before you'd even come to Google, copyright issues not withstanding. But I just wanted to ask you, what made you put that song up on YouTube? Was that also one of your favorite songs? Or was it just by chance? JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Well, you know, to be honest, till this day, I don't know who put it up on YouTube. And I said this the last time to you. I'm just being totally honest and sincere because this was seven years ago. So I didn't know what YouTube was back then. I'm not very internet savvy. But I think YouTube just kind of started around that time, too. So it wasn't that famous yet. Not too many people knew about it. I was doing some email. But I wasn't really active on the websites and internet and all that. So what happened was I just did this thing for a local TV show. And that's what they did the interview for. They videotaped me doing that and then it aired on TV. And it was just a small little local network, and that was it. And then I went back home to Hawaii. And about two months later, I had a lot of friends that were here-- in Hawaii, we call this the mainland-- so I had a lot of friends on the mainland going to school. And they started calling me or sending me emails. And they were like hey, there's this video clip that's going around our campus of you playing. And I was like, what are you talking about? So they sent me the link. And at that time, it was still that concept of emailing a video or a video link to somebody was kind of like, what? You're going to email me a video? What are you talking about? Because it was just kind of starting out. So they emailed me this link. And I clicked on it. And it took me right to the YouTube video. And there it was. And I just was like, I don't understand. What am I looking at? And already it had almost 2 million views already. And I couldn't believe it. And there wasn't a term for it back then. There wasn't even such thing as a viral video yet. We didn't even know what to call it. It was just happening. And it was shortly after that the numbers just started growing and growing and growing. And there were multiple videos. So there was one that didn't even have my name. It just said "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and it was that same video. Then there was one that was like, Crazy Asian Ukulele Player. [LAUGHTER] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: So there were eight or nine different videos. And all of them had like over a million views. But none of them had my name yet. So it wasn't until, I think, a few months after that, that finally there was a video that had my name on it. It was Jake Shimabukuro, whatever. And then that video just started growing and growing and growing. And so all the other ones just slowly disappeared. I think there's still a couple other ones out there. But the main one right now that was left-- I know when it first just had my name on it, it was like something like 30,000 views. And that was maybe four years ago or something. But then that one, even from four years ago, that one grew to over 10 million now. And it's amazing how it's still just growing. And so people are still discovering this video for the first time. So it's been quite extraordinary. And that video changed my life. I wish I knew who the first person was that put it on, because, yeah-- AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Yeah, yeah, that's what I tell people. I think George Harrison up there had something to do it. But yeah, really, it changed my life. And from that, I started getting calls from other artists to come and open for them-- oh, take care-- to tour with them and open for them or record with them. And it's been totally extraordinary. So, thank you. AUDIENCE: So now, Jake-- hey, Jake. So now you know why it took so long for them to attach your name to the video. Because it took them that long to learn how to spell your last name. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Yeah, I know. No, it's so true, so true. AUDIENCE: All right, so I have a quick question. I'll give you a heads up, a little bit of a set-up question. But tell me a little bit about the work that you did with Alan Parsons. So obviously, he's a very well-known, Grammy-nominated producer and engineer. But you yourself, as a musician for a long time, have worked with a lot of producers and engineers. What made him different? What did he do differently, like radically different than the masses of audio engineers that are out there? JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Well, one of the coolest things about Alan, I mean, from day one, just being in the recording studio with him, was-- the first thing I noticed was the way he miked my ukulele, the way he recorded my ukulele. Every recording engineer I've ever worked with, there was always at least one microphone in front of my instrument. A lot of times if they record in stereo, they would have one here and then one here. Because that's how they record guitars, in stereo like that. I've done mid-side miking where you have one mic in the middle, like kind of a stereo spread. And then you have one across the top. I've been in situations where they would surround me with microphones, put microphones all over me, or put two microphones right here and then put two in the back of the room or behind me. But this was the first time that someone told me, OK, just stand right here. He got one microphone. He put it here under the neck of my ukulele. And he put another one right here, above my right shoulder. And I was like, are you sure this is going to work? And so he's like, yeah, yeah, just play, and I'll make some adjustments. So I started playing. And he just kind of tweaked it a little bit, just moved, but kept it right there. And then he kind of tweaked this one like that. And then he's like, all right, yeah, just play something. So I just started-- I punched into a song. And I played it. And then he said, OK, come in and tell me if you like the sound. So I walked into the control room. He played it back. And I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was the sound of my instrument the way that I always hear it, the way that I hear it. Because I've always just accepted that every time I record, my studio sound, what I can get on a record, is just different from my live sound or what I hear when I'm practicing. But it was the first time I walked into that room and he played it back. And I was stunned because I was like, oh, my gosh. I feel like I'm playing my instrument right now. That's how it felt. And so I asked him about that. I said, Alan, what made you decide to record the ukulele this way? And he said he wanted to record it in stereo. So he wanted it at least two microphones, so he could get a right and a left channel. But what he said was when he records guitars that way, you usually put one here and then one up here, because a guitar is longer. So you can get a wider stereo spread that way. But he thought that because the ukulele is shorter, if you were to put one mic here at the body and one mic here at the neck, because the ukulele is so tiny, the mics are going to pick up pretty much the same sound. So you're not going to get that much of a stereo difference. The right and the left are going to sound very similar. So he thought he could get a wider stereo spread if he put one mic down here to pick up closer to the first string, and one mic up here, which would pick up closer to the fourth string. And that way he can keep the mics further apart, yet they'd be the same distance to the instrument. It sounds simple, but it was just the most brilliant thing that I had ever heard. And I was like, wow, so when you listen to the album, you're thinking-- this great stereo spread that you're hearing, I mean, it's like you're in the middle of the instrument. But it's not so much right and left, but it's more up and down. So it's like he took that up and down sound and just flipped it over so you get your right and your left. And so that, for me, was like, wow. That was amazing. And then other things-- like because Alan comes from that old school way of recording, he wanted to do everything live. So we have a 29-piece orchestra on a few of these tracks. And everything was recorded live. There are absolutely no overdubs. So we went into this huge studio. We had the 29-piece orchestra there. And then I was in the same room with the orchestra. The only thing that divided me from the orchestra was a glass door. And we all watched the same conductor up there. And we all played. And there's something amazing that happens when you do that, when you play live. Because all the musicians are listening to each other and playing off of each other. So there are a lot of spontaneous things that just happen, that wouldn't have happened if we just played all our parts separately. Because we would have just been reading the music and just played our parts. But because we were playing it together, it's that whole synergy effect. We're all creating something together. We're all in the room together, making this. And it was really beautiful. That song "Missing Three" that I played for you, it's a three-string song. I was so proud of it because I was like, oh, you only play it with three strings. And I sent that. That was the first demo that I'd sent to Alan. And he listened to it. I didn't tell him the story yet. I just sent him the song. And he listened to it. And he was like, oh, gosh, that's beautiful. And he told me, I can just hear an entire string section playing with you on that. And so it was ironic. Because it's a song that I wrote it with just three strings, but now there's a 29-piece orchestra. So there's over 100 strings on the song now. But still, he was very careful about making sure that the ukulele was here and everything else played around it. He didn't want anything to bury the ukulele. And it was just amazing working with him. He mixed the entire record in two days. He would just get up there. And you know, all the faders, and he just-- whst, whst, whst. And in like 20 seconds, he'd have a perfect mix of a 29-piece orchestra with me. And he would just sit back and listen. He would go, maybe the horns need to come down a little bit right here. And then he would turn around and be like, what do you think? I was just like, it all sounds great. Yeah, let's go. It was really inspiring working with him. MALE SPEAKER: I think this is our last question. AUDIENCE: It is. And so I was wondering-- in each of your albums, your style changes, your style evolves. So what about "Grand Ukulele" are you most proud of in the evolution of your style? And where do you see it going in the future? JAKE SHIMABUKURO: There were a lot of things on this record, like just really subtle things. Like I was talking about, always just looking for that one thing to make it different. There were songs on this album where I utilized techniques that I never used before. For example, there's this one song called "Music Box," where I do this thing where I keep my thumb alternating between the third and fourth string. And then I play the entire song or entire melody on the first string. [MUSIC - JAKE SHIMABUKURO, "MUSIC BOX"] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: But there's this one section in the song where I play that melody harmonically. So while I'm keeping this going, [ALTERNATING NOTES] I play this melody. [PLAYING MELODY] I'm going to play it for you here. Just listen. [MUSIC - "MUSIC BOX"] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: That section right there for me was like, I had never done anything like that before. So I thought that was cool. There's another place-- and you'll never notice it unless I talk about it. But I did a version of "Fields of Gold." And there's this one section in there where I take the melody-- [MUSIC - "FIELDS OF GOLD"] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: (SINGING ALONG) Da, da, da, dah, dah. So there's this one section where I play that harmonically as well, again. But what I do is I utilize this technique where instead just playing the harmonics by itself, I would fret a string to almost mimic a bass note. So I have this over the F chord. What I'm doing is I'm holding the F root. But as I play that F root, I'm also going to use my other fingers to play the harmonics of the other strings together, like this. So I can get this kind of harmony, which is something you don't hear. Like ukulele players wouldn't know, how do you get that F Major 7 sound with harmonics? So when I play that part, it's like-- [MUSIC - "FIELDS OF GOLD"] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: See. So for me that was another-- I'd never done anything, this kind of stuff. [PLAYING MUSIC] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: That kind of sound, it's very-- Jaco Pastorius, one of my favorite bass players, would do things like that where he would kind of roll the bass around. And he would fret these amazing harmonics and just get these incredible-- [PLAYING MUSIC] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: I don't if you can hear that. [PLAYING MUSIC] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: So hear that? [PLAYING MUSIC] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: So the flat 7 there, you would never usually hear that on the ukulele. But you are able to-- [PLAYING MUSIC] JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Yeah, yeah, so, yeah. So those kinds of things, that's the kind of stuff that really keeps me going. And most people won't hear it or won't notice it. But for me it's like, oh yeah, that makes the entire arrangement for me, or the entire song. I had a great time working on this record. I really feel like Alan really pushed me in the studio. And so it was great. Because that's what you want from a producer, who knows how to push, but not overpush, where you get discouraged. And it was such a great experience. He brought in just some amazing musicians, like Kip Winger, from the band Winger. He did some of the orchestral arrangements. We had Simon Phillips, one of my favorite drummers, from Toto. He played on the record. Randy Tico, a phenomenal bass player. It was just really inspiring for me. Because Alan-- he's worked with everyone from the Beatles to-- even with his Alan Parsons Project and all that, Pink Floyd, his vision is so grand. He has so much experience. For me, a lot of times, my vision only comes with what I can-- I only see what I can do with the ukulele. But I don't think beyond that. Whereas Alan Parsons comes from that school where he's worked with so many orchestras. He's worked with so many arrangers. He's worked with so many rhythm sections. And he's recorded so many different kinds of instruments. And he knows all about microphones and preamps. And he knows how to get this kind of sound. Or if I'm trying to express something, he knows the best way to capture that so that it translates when you listen to it on a record. If I'm going for that real sensitive touch, he knows how to pick it up with a mic and using the right microphone with the right preamp and placing it in the right spot, so that we can get that sound. Or even if I'm playing with the orchestra, how to EQ the strings or how to EQ the horns or the woodwinds so that the frequencies don't overpower the ukulele and the ukulele can still be over. Because a lot of times, it's not just a volume issue. But it's a panning issue, like where you place it in the mix, in the stereo mix. And then also how you EQ it, so that you EQ it just in a way so that it-- I don't really understand all this kind of stuff. But I have very limited understanding. I mean, it's a whole science. And it's amazing. His ears are just incredible. We'd be mixing the song. We'd be recording something. And he'd be in the room. And then we'll be listening on the playback. And we'd be just listening. And like, oh, yeah, OK, that sounded all right. And we're listening. And then the phone would ring. And Alan would be like, oh, OK, well, I got to get the phone. And so he'll kind of step out. And he'll be on the phone outside of the studio. All of a sudden, he'll come running back in. What was that? What was that? Go back, go back, go back like 20 seconds. It's amazing. He just hears everything. And it was just extraordinary to work with him and to see someone-- because when he's in the studio, he's just like a little kid. He loves it. He's so passionate about recording. And so to work with someone like that was really inspiring. Because for me, I'm passionate about this. And then to work with him, who's passionate about doing all the other stuff, I think it was a great collaboration. And it was one of the greatest recording experiences of my life. MALE SPEAKER: Well, great. Thanks so much for coming here. And we look forward to picking up the conversation when you come back here. JAKE SHIMABUKURO: Yeah, oh, thanks. Great. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. [MUSIC - JAKE SHIMABUKURO, "WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS"]

%uh the matter do her people the No good the the the the the the theme they didn't the p pin this next song I like people perform for you is a you know what one other in one of the cool things about arm playing ukulele is that you know you have a bomb you have a very limited range in you and you you have just basically four strings to work with who I kinda talked about this the last time I was here I i said that you only have four strings and sometimes you know it can appear to be very limiting right because you think all on the ukulele only a for sure and click on the guitar you know guitar at six strings and you can get a much fuller sound in a bigger sound and you always want more and more more MORE writes i IA arm I wrote this song a recently let me try to compose more and I always try to come up with like a concept or an idea you know whenever I'm writing a new piece so this idea though came about by accident see I was changing my Google the strings one day and I put the first ring on and I put the second string on the net and then I was gonna put the third string on but a I couldn't find that string like people make their Ching cell so I grabbed the fourth string I put the fourth string of and it said a rushing up to look for another third string I thought to myself wouldn't be cool to write a song which S three strings so this is the this is a song called missing 3 and up and it's a piece in chess uses three strains that's that's it and I and I thought there was it was kinda cool because on the ukulele you always want more you always think you need more strings you need a greater range so this is a a song called missing three that kinda proves that you don't always need more you know sometimes less truly is more in a few and if you know what you're going for a fee know what you wanna see what you try to communicate you know then sometimes you know you can just do it with three strings rather than for sell here is the here's a song called missing three a bit the move the new the the the summit I'm missing three I'll the couple are things happen that to me while since the last time I was here all a shortly after I I was your Google I got married so that was pretty cool pat down and seven weeks ago my wife and I had our first baby you know I'm a dad that kinda scary thought Ryan but it's the most amazing thing I like I cuz I i'm had about that age where you know a lot of my my friends you know have have children at a lot upon are you know they they're on their second child already but i member when they first had their baby you know they would always send me photos are they went out you know the icon on their on their phone they show me pictures and you know honey and then i'm just like all your cute but on the inside I'm like wanna see this one showing right but its it's amazing like it so different when it's your own child it all when it's your own child to dislike oh my god every little thing that that they do it's like the most it's the cutest most adorable thing and it's so funny because like you know now I like Aleve send pictures to everyone and i'd but it's the but it's it's really the most amazing thing and and so this this next song was I wrote it actually maybe when my wife was about six months pregnant you know I I wrote this song for for the baby and and it's a song I call gentlemen the land and you like a I was explaining before that when I'm when I write it when I read a piece I was like to have some concept you know something that is different from anything else that I that I've done before the pass and and the way the Sun came about was it was a i I love the sound that the mandolin you know the mandolin is actually tuned like like a violin so it has a very from it has a wide range it has over 30 octave range where the Google I the only has a two octave range so you can get these beautiful lush chords on on the mandolin that that are very difficult to get on the ukulele so I came across this chord voicing that you know that that to me in in in my mind you know kinda mimics the voicing a mandolin player and it sounds like this it's a it's a really far stretch like this but when you get this kinda cell you know doesn't sound like a new pillow it sounds more like a mandolin I wrote this song and I i use that that idea for this tune from my son and I call it gentle mandolin and the title came about because I was thinking that I hope one day when my son goes up he'll be a he'll grow up to be a fine gentlemen darlin yet here we go dude I it's cheesy 80 I in the the theme the the No it then and the new the mall and do home that a theme the new at a KY arm you know I get my inspiration from a from a a lot of things I mean I'm sure like it's the same for all India mean I love you hear your you're all artists and you always like you know trying to think up the and the next thing and the you know what's going to be that that that next the big idea and it's funny because sometimes you know like I'll get my I get a lot of my inspiration from like the most unusual thingy that the most unusual things are I just did that all oh i'd I did a short interview you for your that that video I think it's called out Mike my favorite things called my favorite my favorite things and so what I think that I talked about was was the one of my favorite performances ever was a performance bill cosby you know bill cosby a long time ago he did this HBO special the stand-up comedy special call Bill Cosby himself and it was the most I think till this day in ab like all the comedians up there this performance is still like be the Bible love stand-up comedy you know and if you haven't seen it you really should check it out you guys have it in your archives cell you should definitely check it out on but if you can get the actual DVD up the entire performance it's it is truly amazing it's it's almost two hours long and Bill Cosby sits in a chair not even a Hi Chile a regular like a chair that you're sitting Asia sitting in that chair holding a microphone and telling the stories and you got just I mean everyone just happened at the edge of their seats just dying laughing so entertain and I realize because see the for me that was very significant because when I first started out playing ukulele I was always um I was always playing with the singer there was always the thinker and that I would be in the back unit you know I would always be I would be that I would be the backing guy in Oside be in a bag just got a plane and then and then when it when they're done thing and then I take a little soul all the you know and then back to you you know that their thing yet fell so that was kinda my job because and the reason for that because I am a terrible singer I can't sing to save my life soul so ap after a while you know I on when I stopped working with fingers I thought all when my I had to so bad in high school we did and when we broke up I thought all know that the end for me because you know what am I gonna do I can't sing you know I'm just gonna play Michael and I remember being so intimidated by standing up in front of an audience just with my Google LA and plain in fact some of my early performances I would like one stated like are all this song is a called sunshine your love in yell and now it's our play but I I Jess I was so of for ATL because I just thought the hookah led by itself sounds soul you know it just sounds so empty and it doesn't have that for found that I'm used to hearing what I go and listen to a concert I want that Bingbing fell right but I couldn't get that with this instrument but when I saw bill cosby himself when I saw him and II just I saw a man just come up on stage in front o you know thousands of people sit in a chair with a microphone and he was just he could just connect with every single person in the room and I'll and I was watching this on television and I still felt like I was there I felt like he every story he was yeah he was telling he was like looking right at me and telling this like I was sitting down in his living room and he was sharing this amazing story with me you know I was so inspired by that because then I realize you know what the instrument that we hold is just an illusion you know get our players like if you watch Jimi Hendrix yeah he's playing the guitar but the guitar is just an illusion you know his artistry his music he's communicating I mean he's he's just it's his whole before before you even here is get our you're hearing his spirit you know it's it's like a its he says he's communicating this this thing you know that I like I like like a 10 things that I believe is all the music that you play and you hear happens it's created it happens before it even hit gets your instrument you know before I play that cord I need to create it inside of me you know like I need you feel it and just like creative person that then I can play that core you know or or before I i Ben that no yup the you know I need to like created inside of me before it even gets to the instrument so that so I used to watch him and I i swatch all the time I watch that that performance over and over and just you know he's just so natural and its and its the the the title that that to our was bill cosby himself and I realized that that's all that's all you gotta be as you just you know it doesn't matter if you're talking to one person or or thousand people you know you just the more you keep the more you're comfortable with who you are you just get up in for a just not be afraid to make fun of yourself or you know and not not to have expectations up the audience i think is a big key and that's the cool thing about being Google other players that audiences have such low expectations help me anyway right fell if I i don't have any expectations that my audience hiking simply get up on stage in just do my thing and I don't have to worry about anything someone laughs if they stay then that's all a bonus you know so but I'd like to um I'll but II was I was telling that story cuz I was gonna go and I was try to relate that to a song a yeah I S L I'll what's wrong with a gonna play now in I remember but but anyway then anyway so that's that's kinda bomb that's kinda where we're a lot of my inspiration came from you know it's it's it's not so much like about plane that local LA but its it's just it's just about communicating with people you know and and and that's that's what I love you do you know i mean through Google to YouTube you know your providing a vehicle you know for people to communicate from one side of our planet all the way to the other side and it makes the planet seem so much smaller makes our world seem so much smaller and you know and I think that's a great thing you know because because I i grew up in Hawaii you know where we're very we live on a small island and everyone so community-minded you know we're always thinking about the other person and we all see how were related and what I do affect this other person you know what what that person does affect affect the other person I think I think it's such a great way you know to look at the world now that you know we are all connected were all connected and and I i think i to music and true to what what you do I think it's the perfect example because to me music is not just the universal language but it's the language of the universe you know and you're helping to spread that language all across the the world and it's and it's a beautiful thing so I'm gonna I'm gonna play our one more song here and this is the and they they asked me to tonight you know to to try to play more original stuff just because a bomb at a copyright issues and all that but you know but I I did wanna play this one piece because this is the this is the word the reason I'm here and this is the what started it all for me and I'll it was a simple four-minute video clip you know that that happen to show up on the Internet one day and it was for television show that I'd done in New York called Google a disco and I think I told the story the last time but since then I've made some changes to the song so i thought i i'd plant again but this is a George Harrison's while My Guitar Gently Weeps n by my favorite on the player allied and I A the new I i cant play the thing up with a little but its it's amazing you know talking about how to like express yourself to the insurer and you know it's not just about it's not just about the note that your Plano the cords that you're playing you know but it's its everything you know it's the like just like to all this sounds that you can create you know good up in up up up in what there there the the the the the the the the theme the the the it up well than well well well well in was when when what the up up huh in her the %ah %ah %ah %ah %ah %ah you the here 0 thank you ok that was awesome 22 doubles just have such a famous virgins how I was introduced to your music I'll and she want to know if you guys if you want to talk a little bit about George Harrison I know thats he was an ambassador a ukulele he's george was famous for writing rent-a-car Fulham in passing out a warning to get literally get together and play with everyone he went if you want to talk about that yeah you know George Harrison now is was one of my heroes I mean he he just adored the system and I mean he had he had a hundred times more localized and I have me how headed up but he some that the court thing though i you know I never got to meet him I i wish i did. on I met the you know his his his wife Olivia Harrison a few times she actually came to a couple my shoulder and salad that with the pretty amazing game but at to speak with her and and talk with her and she just she she kept telling me like all I wish you know george was still alive today you know because he just love this instrument so much and he he really believe that this issue has so much potential you know to reach beyond you know our arm you know I mean to me and I i think and I you know I can say exactly but I think George Harrison probably felt the same way you know I think that the Google is very special because it's different from other insurance because people aren't afraid of this instrument they're not intimidated by your you know at because the a lot of people don't even think of it as a real ensure anything at the toy right but you know and and I embrace that I love that because I think every instrument should she people should feel like that about every inch MID the piano all the piano I can do are you you know or the violent or whatever it is because because if if you're free to finish reading your you're never gonna wanna pick it up you'll be too intimidated you know or in your mind you think it's too hard but with the ukulele I mean my grandmother just started playing ukulele you know and now she's like jamming with her girlfriend you know and they're like the you are my sunshine I and my only thing you know they're singing songs like that but but like I said earlier you know I believe that music is not just the universal language with the language love the universe and there's something amazing that happens when you have the ability to speak that language you know when you can pick up an instrument and just do this the new and you know that I can do that it just makes you feel soul good you know it's it I tell you it's like an entire yoga session in one should drop by me use Ian play one court over and over and over and there's just something about at and just like brings you back to center you know it zeroes you out and a and George Harrison love that about this injury he loved turning people on to it and love showing people how easy it is to play because you get that instant gratification the moment you pick it up you know you can just get one finger and just put it right there the me like Wow theme the lay a oh my gosh if I to do that on a trumpet it would take me like two months before I could even get a defense sound right or a violin like it takes you two months before you can even hold the ball without cramping right cell it's that instant gratification and I think that P when people pick it up for the first time and it played like wow I can do this I can make music and to me that's the joy that music should bring I enjoy that joy everyone should feel that joy when they're playing the piano for the first time when they're playing the violin for the first time when you're playing the saxophone for the first time when you're playing the guitar for the first time everyone could feel that joy you know I think there be a lot more people playing instruments yeah I by at a question for you JK as at the screening of the documentary congratulate all that remains in on one thing that really came through in the documentary is how much a family affair your music it since I want to see if you could tell us a little bit more about that and maybe let us know if they're dumb Shimabukuro family concert at that screening that happy hour later I all-weather be a the documentary that that clips talking about is a I just recently did a a its my first full-length documentary with PBS and we've been shooting at for a little over two years now and we just I mean we just a wrapped it up last week Wednesday and and it's gonna be premiering at some other the film festivals and and it's also gonna broadcasts on on PBS special TV sometime early next year I'm very excited about this because a while in in the in the it was pretty amazing just for me to kinda said and I i don't like to see myself on on television are you know anything but but just being a wooded to sit there and and see the last you know like 30 years above my life just kinda go by and and really took me back to wife Ellen up with this instrument how I got into it you know all my started playing at the age of four and I got into it because my my mom played you know she played and no like the first thing she taught me was my secord and I would just do this all day 1 you know at I I just I love that I i did that you know I to better every day I'd come home from school pick up my local and just and just play and and might my mom loved that you know my family they they love music and and I think I'll I also have a younger brother who plays to you know and when we were kids that's all we do together you know we always play they look a lot like to get my brother was really good at sports and I mean he was very well-rounded like for me I the only thing I could do was play too a lot alike to this day I can dribble into a layup you know I mean I'm like a horrible but but there is something about music that I I could chess I could just you know we just sat down for hours at a time and just play and and discover new chords a new cell phones so you know that that really kept our family you know together my dad played a little bit I get our and over I mean that you know they they were profession re: they want professional musicians are anything but there was always music playing and I'll in the house all I think I'll in the documentary kinda talks about you know my parents you know they divorced in all that in you know some music kinda became my arm because my mom was my first teacher should spend a lotta time you know when I was a kid teaching me citing once my parents got a divorce and my mom had to work all the time you know my my brother and I were five years apart so I would always stay home and how does have to watch meio I was felt like it was more like my son then my brother and and citing plane that local LA for me was in my mind you know now looking back at everything was kinda like that was me try to make up for those lost time you know spending with my mom and my family and all kinda to be back sell so the some you know so that's why I guess that's where my passion I guess comes from you know for this instrument and I and it really is even though I'm away from home a lot of times having their local other with me and being able to play and share all these things are I think always I always feel like you know I'm I'm right back with them you i was just wondering if you had any plans or expectations on teaching your baby the israeli and also at what age your plan and introduce yeah well i I have no expectations right now I mean I just you know I I wanted to do whatever whatever you want to do but I definitely want him to have music and it's funny because up you know I'm I my new album a the the song that I wrote for him you know it's called gentlemen 11 and it's the third song on it on the on the album as funny because recently my my a wife discovered a lot while I was on tour my wife discovered that when he's crying if she puts the CD on he immediately stop she said that's amazing so so she's head she put the CD on and as soon as you put it on you know that the first song start and he just like she said he just like kinda stops and he just kinda lists and then he just he's just he become super mellow the second song comes on you don't actually a cover of Adele's rolling in the deep and he listened through that and then she said the third song comes out which is the song I wrote for him as should add that song start he start or a I like card Friday I mean she actually it's it's like it's unbelievable everything but I keygen she say he just doesn't like that so I car gotta know so you know I but anyway type I will be teaching and that song but I'll yeah but I definitely want to get him into music at for sure thank you thank you very much you're talking a little earlier about just kinda growing up with ukulele into plan for so long but it's an instrument I've heard my entire life in its I've never heard it played a the way you do until you came on so what happen in your life when you were playing what was when did it start transpire you start learning new things and you started bringing things out a bit at the instrument that other people didn't see alright I think you know for me I like I started out playing our traditional Hawaiian music and arm but then I I think there there came a time label I think when I was a %uh Justin you know in my early teenage years arm when I saw my first a Van Halen concert you know because and and it wasn't so much that I wanted to play all those fancy guitar riffs or anything like that but it was more about the energy when I see rock bands play I admire their energy you know it's not not necessarily I wanna play that kinda music or I wanna play that song writing but I wanna play with that kinda energy and so whether I'm playing a of wine to or a jazz standard or like a classical piece or a a pop tune or even if it if I'm covering a rock song you know I wanna play with that energy all the time and it's not always the physical kinda energy or the kinda %uh the kinda energy that that that you can see visually like just the running and jumping on stage you know jumping around and all that I mean that's great too I like that you don't like what I but the you know I like you I like to cuddle mood you know what with the music but its its also the other kinda energy that the energy that comes from within you know that that that focus that that mental focus like I'm always talking about like when I mom like when I'm surely like what I would do workshops and I would I would talk with kids and performers about you know when you're playing you're in shred doesn't matter what insuring your plane you know like 10 when I'm playing the ukulele and and I'm gonna and I'm gonna play a chord you know it's not just the mechanics it's not just about my my AR my finger in my hand you know why fingers holding down the right strings and my hand is doing this it's not it's not about that but there's so much that happens before and after you know the the stroke so there there's a lot of lot of preparation and I always arm I always kinda compared to like a picture you know when you watch a really good baseball pitcher you know the wind up i mean everything that the follow through the the focus you know the the visualizing a how the the ball is going to curb or you know or drop although that is so important that you know when you're playing the ukulele you know like that that's that's what I'm thinking I'm you know be before I even I even hit the strings like you know arm you can't really tell but like my Mike tolls like curl up you know a Mike issues and you know and I i can. its its I can feel like all that energy you know in in Mike in my ankles in a bother my feet again to my knees to my hips I me everything that comes down up up my back to my shoulders and and when I make contact with the string you know it's just its all that energy you know directed this when it's not just the physical energy but its thats all my my mental focus my thoughts everything is going in that direction going with the with the music you know the plane with that kinda conviction way my spirit everything that I have that I have controller I try to bring that into every stroke into every strong and it's not just the hard hitting stuff you know it's it's the soft stuff too it's like when you play you know the new you know I wanna just bring that theme in bring every no doubt you know and it's and it's still that follow through that that same conviction that same energy that I would if I were playing like a rock tune you know in a classical piece or ballad it's a different kind of energy you know but it's still that same intensity with that same conviction you know that you wanna like put into every little know every little movement you know everything that you do needs to be somehow connected to the movement I mean to the music you know whether it's like the whether it's a just a simple tapping up the foot by tapping up the tolls or if it's a little like twitch in the in in the face you know like you watch the top there sometimes Andy they do these uncontrollable like a shaker you know they're just like you know and and its it's because it's because they're all that all of that movement everything that's happening is somehow connected with the sound or an idea or concept that they're trying to convey you know he motion only now and I i remember what the question was it anymore a but all I hope I answered at to you did answer are you hurting right here thank you so much for your for playing for us today on I'm I have a question about if there's anything particular about your instrument at you like to talk about I'm how did you end up choosing this particular you can learn to play it all yeah what this is mom this is an instrument and ukulele made by a family called the comarca family and they're made right in Hawaii and they were the first family to start manufacturing Google is in the world there there I think they're going on they're going on for generations a vocal a makers right now and it's it's just a family business and and they were the first alliance to learn how to build the bench mens from the Portuguese immigrants that came over to the islands you know to work in the plantation fields solo you know so they were the ones who really started to build the first Google LA's and and its quite extraordinary you know because they've they've been building will close for almost a hundred years now and and when I was a kid you know in Hawaii everybody knows come oxo local LA it's like it's kinda like the I me when I was when I was growing up my dream was to have this Google alley this if this is a they call this a tener size and Schmitz a tener forced wrinkle mocca and it was my dream to have this entry because in be in my eyes it was like the Excalibur UHV instruments and I A arm and you know but they're they're very expensive so you know at you know when I was a kid there was no way I could afford something like this and you know so now that I I get to play this instrument every day on my I just feel souls so honored you know because I'm you know there's just so much history and so much experience and knowledge that goes into every single one other insurance so to actually be able to to play and and to to use one you know to travel with and to you create music what to write music with I am you know I just feel like I call it that that that history you know comes with everything that I that I do yeah at that's what it is that the comarca yeah yes film hey it I always such an inspiration to see you perform and I am last two years ago when I last saw you I was so inspired that I went my bot in ukulele yeah I used to play the soda venezuela imports drink water it's Paul yet yet thing right so I took it I went to the guitar store just with right from where you are right to the toy store brought a lot of boys drinking ticket home in there I am with my little three Kortina yeah to cheaper anyway my my thirteen-year-old my then 13-year-old wonders ap like hey mom what's that I never saw it again I law yeah he goes up to school every day with the fiberglass ukulele strong span across your back and I i just you know she says so I just wanted to let you know that you know you kinda you know had that kinda impact all I don't like you you thank you very much thinking to that's beautiful you know all what are the coolest things for me is seeing you know like when i when i tour now and do shows we see a lot of kids you know young kids um come to the show now and A&A and they don't look like Google Apps Thursday they come with the club there's but the app their fingernails all painted black they had like spiky hair piercings you know and they just think like that localize the coolest thing they'll come up in a bit like oh yeah I used to play like you know heavy metal guitar and then I saw you know you play like what my guitar gently weeps on YouTube and ought I to my guitar when I bought a hookah like a this is all I play now at its chest the most incredible being right because because ten years ago or even I don't know like yeah maybe not even 10 years ago it was always the opposite you know people would start on ukulele and then after that what they want they can play pretty good anyone up put away a move on to a guitar you know cuz their goal is to play the guitar and the use a Google as a stepping stool to get to the guitar but now it's it's really cool that people that have been playing the guitar wanna put their guitars away and pick up the local LA now so much greater are people yeah haha pop-up you yes 0 thanks for it anything government soldiers Herman questions at have you ever thought about like giving up becoming the musicians like that then when you were first written in how you get that all arm no I mean it's its I've never arm II never the thought never crossed my mind that that I would ever want to give and give up playing you know all but to be honest when I was a kid or I mean even up until ten years ago or fifteen years ago I had no idea that I was going to be a touring musician and or or even up you know I could do this all the time I mean I knew that I would always play this instrument for the rest of my life because it's it's my passion you know but I thought it would just be like coffee shops are you know I we went out with Alyssa just thought I school I used to play at a lot of weddings and graduation parties and birthday parties and family functions but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be doing what I'm doing today you know cell arm so it does that it never crossed my mind that I'm gonna ever give this up you know but as as a as things started to evolve and at a career started to shape up for me you know throughout through the internet and all that and now I'm touring I mean you know I me now we like now weird data on on this justice in this next two months you know we're touring 240 cities and you know we got a whole tour bus now in like you know 7 as a seven-man crew let me with a sound and lighting guy in I never imagined any attack you know i mean it's Jess incredible I mean when I was growing up I I thought I was going to be like a schoolteacher it I thought I was gonna go into education because I love working with kids and then I thought the local LA is the perfect way to connect with kids you know site but in my classes in the lessons I could always use this I would always have it but it's been it's been really challenging and I mean there have been times like when I first started touring you know arm you know it was it was a yeah I mean there there were a lot of challenges you know but you can I get through them you know you work through them I mean like I said when I first started performing I couldn't look at everyone and play I mean I was so nervous I would just you know I'd be so afraid to talk and and and you know and and it's hard you know but but you Jess you love that you love it so much in you wanna you always want to arm figure out all how can I how can I improve on this how can I make this better because I realize that as you know I can practice all I want in my room you know just by myself but it it doesn't it it doesn't give me that same satisfaction you know because to me again music is is all about communicating its about making a connection with people and once I started learning how to connect with people through this instrument all my gosh it was like just rush you know like now when I perform you know tonight at a venue in its and there are moments where like you know i i'd be I'd be playing then you get to a real sense it apart and like you know you play that one Cory and you can just almost feel the entire audience just breathing with you and just taking it all then just waiting for that last note to till to fade away and then even after you can you can't hear it anymore it's just side and silence silence silence and that everyone like you know kind of site clapping or like you know and and it's those moments that you know it's such a rush because um you just feel like everyone is experiencing the same thing and its II guess only way I can think about is like when you are like for surfers you know when they catch that that perfect wave and they're just on that way then just nothing else matters you know you just on that wave or like you know when I'm on stage and I plane it's like nothing else matters I'm just just having really literally having the time of my life and I'll and so for me I know it's our you know I mean yeah there there are challenges but but a lot of it is just you know it's just pressure that I put on myself you know just because I want our you have a bit of a perfectionist in some ways and you know and I 10 keep learning and keep discovering new things you know so sometimes you go through these periods where you just at a plateau on you like when that next idea you know that a calmer winds that you know that next concept you know gonna come but but yet you you find ways to you know when there but then when when you when you find it and it's like oh my gosh guess that's that's amazing and you know and it just instead it carries you that inspiration that that that excitement carries you through the next one in our hands out thank you yes hi yeah I guess I can't get enough of hearing about why my guitar gently weeps which was always one of my favorite all and it's the reason I know who you are because a close friend of mine said are you gonna listen to the sky you know he is on YouTube his name state something and yeah and and they eat your vers an avid is blew me away is as a link you gorgeous an especially song and I care so much about to hear someone else do it in it was so beautiful it moved me to tears I actually made it my ringtone and Leone are you came to google the first time here and then I cite the first time and had a chance to talk to you and ask if he'd ever met george harrison and I forgot to tell you that I'd actually just made it my ringtone even for yeah I'm day going on have yet copyright issues notwithstanding the heart I but I just wanted to ask you I'll what made you put doubts on up on YouTube was that also and your favorite songs or weather just by chance yeah well you know to be honest like till this day I don't know who put it up on YouTube you know I'm because all you know what I said this last time to you know I I mean you know you know I'm not not you know just I'm just being like totally honest and sincere like you know but because this was like seven years ago so I i I didn't know what you to place back then you know I mean I'm not very internet savvy but I think newt you just kinda started around that time to write so was it you with that famous yet right I me not to make people knew about it but I mean I was I was doing some email but you know I wasn't really active on on the on the web sites and internet and all that you know but arm but when so what happened was I will I just did this thing for local TV show and that's what they did the interview for the the videotape in doing that and it aired on on TV you know it was just a small local network and and I was it and then I went back home to Hawaii and about two months later I had a lot of friends that were that were here on the and why week we call this the mainland Europe so where I had a lot of friends on email and going to school and and they started calling me or sending you know that you're like a you know like there's this a this video clip that's kinda you know that that's going are on our campus have you playing like what he talking about so they they sent me the link at this time it you know and at that time it was still like you know that concept the emailing a video or video link to some but was kinda like let you email me a video what he talking about you know but it was a because it was just kinda starting out so arm so he day they emailed me this this link and I clicked on it and it took me right to that YouTube video and I then there was that I just was like I don't understand what happened and what am I looking at you know and then and it and already it had it had or almost 2 million views already and I I couldn't believe it right and i was just and there was and that was in a term for back that we weed and even there was an even such thing as a viral video yet we would even know what to call it was it happening and and it was a shortly after that you know the numbers just started growing and growing and growing and there were multiple videos so there was one that that didn't even have my name is just said while my guitar gently weeps and it was that same d/o then there was one that was like Creevy Asian ukulele player yeah call for I I saw about you know there by eight or nine different videos and all of them had like over a million views right and there but not about had my name he had perhaps a so it wasn't until I think like a few months after that that finally there was a video that had my name on it was cigs you look for all you know whatever and that all and then that that video to start growing and growing growing and and so and all the other one just slowly disappeared I think now there's I think there's there's still a couple couple other ones out there but the main one right now are that that was laughed at I know when when it first just had my name on it it with you know like something like thirty thousand you know views and that was like maybe four years ago or something you know but then doubt when even from four years ago that one grew to over 10 million now and it's amazing how it's still just growing and so people are still discovering this video for the first time in itself and says been quite extraordinary and and you know that that video changed my life I mean I wish I knew who the first person was that put it online because the yeah I only or yeah I yeah that that's what I that's why tell people I think George Harrison up there had something to do it that you now by yeah it really it did changed my life and up and from that I started getting calls from other artists to come and open for them all to care you know to tour with them into an open for them or record with them and spend told the extraordinary so thank you yeah San at jkjk said I know why it took so long for them to attach a name to the video because it took them that long to learn how to spell your last name yeah I I died so true so true alright so I have a quick question how to give a heads up a little bit of a setup question but data me know about the the work that you did with Alan Parsons are so obvious he's a very well-known you grammy-nominated producer and engineer but you know yourself as a musician for a long time have work with a lot of producers and engineers what made him different what did he do differently like radically different then you know the masses a a pretty audio engineers are out there okay arm while the the one of the coolest things about out i mean from from day one just like being in a request to deal with him was that the first thing I noticed was the way he might my Google Ali the way he recorded my ukulele every recording engineer I ever worked with you know always I mean they you know the there was always at least one microphone in front have mine Schmidt you know a lot at the record in stereo they would have one here and one here I could that's how they you know the record guitars and scary like that i dont need side my king you know where you have we have 11 mike in the middle like kind of hysteria spread and did you have one across the top I've you know I'm been in situations where they would surround me with microphones you know put microphones all over me or put a microphone you know put two microphones right here and then but two in the back in the wrong more behind me but this was the first time that someone tell me to okay yes just and right here he got one microphone he put it here under the neck up my local LA and he put another one right here above my right shoulder and I was like in ensure this is kinda work I add up so you'd like a edges just plan I'll make some adjustments ice type lane and he just kinda tweaked it a little bit just more but kept it right there and then kinda take this one like that and and and the like are you I just play some things I i just i just i denied much to the song and I i played at and and then he said okay come in and tell me if you like the cell so I walked into the control room he played it back and I couldn't believe what I was hearing it was just it was the sound of my in Sherman the way that I always hear it the way that I hear it you know like cuz eyeball the I I'm always just accepted that every time I i record you know my studio sound what I can get on our record is just different from like my life's out I like what I hear when I'm practicing but it was the first time I walked into that room any played it back in it just II I can I was stunned because I was like oh my gosh I I feel like I am I play my insurance right now you know I mean that's how it felt and so I asked him about that I i said I said how did what made you decide to record that will call in this way he said what he went through he wanted to recorded you why two recorded in stereo so he wanted at least two microphones and so we could get a right and a left channel but what he said was when he records guitars that way usually put one here and one up here right because the guitars longer so you can get out a wider stereo spread that way but he will but he thought that because that would allow the shorter if you were to put one mic here at the body one mic at the neck because the a little tiny the mites are gonna pick up pretty much the same cells you're not going to get that much of a stereo difference the right and the left were gonna sound very similar so he thought he could get a wider stereo spread if he put one mic down here to pick up closer to the for sharing and one mic up here which would pick up closer to the fourth string and I we can keep the Mikes further apart yet baby the same distance to the instrument you know and I mean that was just it sounds simple but it was just the most brilliant thing you know that I had ever heard I was like wow so when you listen to the album you're thinking this a great stereo spread that you're hearing i mean it's like you're in the middle of the instrument by it's not so much right and left but it's more up and I'll you know so it's like he took that up and down salinger's that that over so you get you right in your lap and you know that so that that for me was like while that was amazing and then and then you know other things like because outing comes from that old school we have recording he y to do everything life I me so we have a 29 peace orchestra on on a few these tracks and everything was required light there are absolutely no over dubs so we went we went into this huge studio we had the 29 peace orchestra there and then I was in the same but with the orchestra the only thing that divided me from the orchestra was a glass door and we all watch the same conductor up there and and we all played and and there's something amazing that happens when you when you do that when you play live because all the instrument I any all the musicians are listening to each other and playing of love each other you know so there are a lot of spontaneous things that just happen that wouldn't have happened if we just played all or parts separately because we would have just been reading the music and just played guitar parts but because we were playing it together you know it's that whole synergy affect you know we're all creating something together we're all in the room together making this you know and and it was just it was really beautiful you know there's a um that song missing three that I played for you know it's it so it's a three strengths I was so proud of it because you know I'd like on you I play with three strings and I sent that was the first demo that I'd sent to Alan and he listened to it I in telling the story I just sent in this Aug a disease like all gosh that's beautiful and he told me I can just hear an entire string section playing here with you on that right that they love it was ironic because you know the song that that you know I wrote it was just three shillings but now there's a point I keys are too shy so there's over over a hundred strings on the song out but still you know i mean but he was very very on he was he was very careful about making sure that the local LA was here and everything else played around it you know he did a 180 thing to bury the local LAN and it was just amazing working with him he makes the entire record in two days he would just get up there and it all the feeders and coach and in like 20 seconds kept like a perfect mix up like a 29 peace orchestra with me and and we just like the and you just sit back in SA like homie the horns to calm down right here you know and your tear I be like or what what do you think I say cops great yeah let go yeah I with really inspiring orchid up I think this is our last question to it is and so I was wondering in each year albums you know your style changes are sour bulbs so wat what about grand grand ukulele are you most proud of in the pollution your style and where you see it going in the future are there aren't you know that there were a lot of things on on this record like just really subtle things that that are you like I was talking about like always just looking for that one thing you know to make a difference arm that there were songs on this album where I utilize techniques that I never used before you know for example %uh there's this one song called music box where where you know the more I do this thing right he might Tom alternating between the third and fourth string and that I play the whole entire saw our entire melody on abortion the the the No and but there's this one section the song where I play that melody arm harmonically so while I'm keeping this going I play the smell it the and it as out how to play free courtesy theme go that that section right there for me was like I'd never done anything like that before so I thought that was cool there is another in another place and and you know you never know is that unless I talk about but and I i did a version up arm a a field goal and there's this one section in there where I take the melody United the mo now %uh so there's this one sec you why play that harmonically as well again but what I do is II utilize this technique where in Sturgis is they're just plain harmonics by itself I would threat a string to almost like to make like a base a base no so I have a so like a so this all over the over the F court what I'm doing is I'm holding the F room but as i play that F rude I'm also going to use my the figures to play the harmonics up the the other strings together like that so I can get this kind of harmony which is something you you don't you you can't you don't you're like a lot of players will when I like your bat F major 7th out you know with harmonic but so when I play that part is like had had that stay sell for me that was another like you know I'd never done eating you know this kinda stuff you know that that kinda cell phone it's very arm you know jack up a story is one of my favorite guitar player I mean favorite bass players you know we do things like that where he would had a role you know he would kinda roll that the base around it he would he would fret these amazing harmonics and just get these in credit you know and if you can hear that so that so that the flat 7 there you never hear that you you would never use you hear that on the ukulele but you know but you yeah yeah cell at so those kinda things you know what i mean that's the kinda stuff that really keeps me going to most people what won't won't hear it I won't notice that by you know but for me it's like I add up you know i'd that make the entire arrangement for me and I learned that and I the entire song fell yes I mean it was it was I had a great time working on this this record you know I agree he ate really feel like you know i i out and really pushed me in the studio and and and so it was great because that's what you want from a producer will knows how to push but not over push you know where you get discouraged her you know you just and and it was such a great experience he brought in just some amazing musicians like it linger you know for the bed where he did somebody orchestral arrangements we had I'll Simon Phillips on my favorite drummers hear from told all he he played on the record I ready t cause phenomenal the bass player arm now it was just it was just really inspiring you now so for me because Allen you know I mean he's worked with a ring from the Budos to you know I'm I mean every just you know what this Alan Parsons Project and all that you know Pink Floyd you know he's a boat his vision is Seoul Grand its sole he has so much experience and so is for me a lot of times my vision only comes with what I can you know it it all I only see what I can do with the ukulele but I don't think beyond you know beyond that you know where is alan Alan Parsons comes from that school where you know he's you know he he's worked with so many orchestras he's worked with so many readers he's worked with so many rhythm sections and and he's recorded so many different kinds of instruments and he knows all about microphones and preamps & he knows how to get this had a salad or fine china if I'm trying to you know express something he knows the best way to to capture that so that translates you know when you listen to it on a record I'm going for that real sensitive you know touch like he knows how to how to pick it up with a mic and you know using the right microphone with the right pre-ap you know and placing it in the in the ache in the in the right spot so that we can get that sound or even if I'm playing with the orchestra how to how to arm how-to geek you the the shootings or how to EQ the the horns are the woodwind so that so that it doesn't it does and that the frequencies don't don't overpower ukulele ukulele can still be over cuz lot I'm just not just a volume issue but it's a pending issue like where you place it in the mix in the stereo mix you know and also how unique you it so that unique you adjust in a way so that it it it on you know which is i eight is I i'm I don't really understand all this kinda stuff but but you know anybody just thats that you know I am very limited under say I mean it's a whole science and and it's amazing his years I just incredible like we'd be mixing would be mixing the song you know we we like be required something in a heap in the Roman and then the you know will be under this thing on a playback right every night just nothing like going out at federated where this thing and then and the phone will ring Alan glycol okay I got I get the phone and so you're still cast about and he'll be on the phone unite and he'd like outside the studio also said he'll come right back at what what was that well that let go go go back go back like it all go back like 20 seconds you know it's amazing like he just here's everything and and it was just the extraordinary to to work with him in to see somewhere you know cuz when he's when he's in the studio like you just like a little kid like he just he loves it he saw passionate about recording and also to work with someone like that job was really inspiring you know because for me this is what I you know I'm passionate about this and then to work with him was passion about doing all the other stuff is I think it was a great collaboration and you know is what I the the greatest recording experiences up my life so yep will great thanks so much for coming here and we look forward to picking up a conversation when you come back you at all bank like the her