
YouTube transcript

(Serious) How to Make Perfect Supergiant Slime

Languages available: en

I screwed up the last time I made slime and it ended up as erotic lotion. To be honest, I was really upset. Dr. Hajime doesn't accept failure. To make sure I succeed using what I have learned, I made a report and got prepared perfectly. I intend to make supergiant slime surely, swiftly and perfectly this time. I'll begin with points to reconsider. Point one. As you may have noticed, I added too much water. Slime gets too soft and becomes like lotion when you add too much water. Point two. I did not stir laundry starch and water well. For laundry starch, I use polyvinyl alcohol or PVA. If you don't stir water and PVA well, then only a portion of it solidifies. The result is a sporadic outcome when you add borax in. It's voluminous, so you can't get perfect slime. You can't make slime just by putting borax in water. That's one reason. By the way, I kept saying "borackth", but it's borax. Afterward, I learned two things about slime on internet etc. First. The ratio of water and PVA determines tenderness. Assuming the volume of slime is 10, you end up with soft slime when the ratio of water and PVA is 6.5 to 3.5. It turned out the way it did the last time because the ratio was 8 to 2. When the ratio is 5 to 5, you get ordinary thick slime. When the ratio is 3.5 to 6.5, you get rather hard slime. I'll be on the safe side and go for harder slime with more PVA. I am going all out as a scientist. I put borax in the completed slime hoping it would solidify the last time. It did no good. The ratio of water to PVA determines the tenderness. Adding borax later makes no change. With these points in mind, let's do it. The scientist in me is excited. I'm not really a scientist, but... I used to study. Laundry starch. I stirred with chopsticks last time. What a joke. I will stir well using a scoop to make the mixture. Borax. I got two boxes this time. I'm serious. For a bright future, I will make orange slime using red and yellow. Serious. I'll put these four bottles in, then use two empty bottles for water. The ratio of laundry starch and water will be 4 to 2. Say the total mixture is 10, then water is about 3.333... Laundry starch is 6.666. So it shall be close to 6.5 to 3.5 this time. Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore... Let it go... Oh my... I put all the PVA in. It's like this now. Next, I will put two bottles of water. The ratio shall be 4 to 2 this way. I'm serious. Pon pon wei wei wei... Ooops. Jeez, what's going on? Oh no. Chinpon chinpon wei pon wei pon. Water water pon pon pon Wei pon. Good. I won't show you the color until it's done. Really stir it. I suppose the amount of borx doesn't need to be precise. I prepared lukewarm water so the borax dissolves easily. No need to be precise. Alright! Time to put it in. Please. It's quite... Please! Mix well! Hold on. Slime school workshop Next is a presentation by Mr. Hajime. Please go ahead. So this time, I was able to complete it somehow. I would like to summon it to this field readily. What am I to do if it's watery? Heck with it. I'll accept the outcome. This is the best slime I can make. If it spills on the floor, I will have to vacate. Is it alright? I still wanna live here. Well, I'll just go for it. This is my slime! Oh my god... Hold it! Jeez, please. Hey! Hold it I said! It's not solid yet. You can't see it from there. What shall I do? Wait! What am I to do? Slime! Don't you spill on the floor! Oh no! It is going to spill! I'm sorry. He's not a bad boy, you know. Well, I did make slime. Science is about repeating failures and succeeding as a result. Oh no... Hold it, man. Well, slime can be made somehow. It's fun. Please try making slime, but don't anger your parents. I'm glad it worked. See ya! Please! Get in properly, Slimey. Oh, it's going in on its ow. Good boy. This is how you return it home. Not this way!

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