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Sesame Street: Kermit And Cookie Monster And The Mystery Box

Languages available: en

KERMIT: Hi ho. Kermit the frog here, and this is a mystery box. You see, if anybody can guess from the clues I give what is in this box, then they can keep what is in the box. COOKIE MONSTER: Is it cookie? KERMIT: No, it is not a cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: Bye bye. KERMIT: But wait a second, Cookie Monster. COOKIE MONSTER: What? KERMIT: There are clues. COOKIE MONSTER: Who care about clues without cookie? Me want cookie. No cookie, no guessing game from clues. Arrivederci, Frog. KERMIT: But wait a second, Cookie Monster. Come back here. You see, I'll tell you what I'll do. If you guess what is in the box, I'll give you a cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: It's a horse, it's a cow, it's a cotton ball, it's a pogo stick, it's a rump roast. KERMIT: No, no, no, no. COOKIE MONSTER: It's a moose. KERMIT: No, no, no, no. Those are wild guesses. COOKIE MONSTER: Well, me wild about cookies. KERMIT: Yes, but you haven't guessed right. Now, maybe if you listen to the clues. COOKIE MONSTER: OK, me all ears. OK, what's first clue? KERMIT: OK, the first clue is that it is something to eat. COOKIE MONSTER: It's a cookie. KERMIT: No, it's not a cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: Not a cookie. Give me second clue. KERMIT: The second clue is that it is something round. COOKIE MONSTER: A cookie. KERMIT: No, it's not a cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: Not a cookie. KERMIT: Mm-mm. COOKIE MONSTER: Sorry, third clue. KERMIT: Third clue. COOKIE MONSTER: Just thought it might be cookie off chance. KERMIT: No, it's not. The color of this thing is orange. COOKIE MONSTER: Something to eat that is round and orange. It's a cookie. KERMIT: (YELLING) No, it is not a cookie! COOKIE MONSTER: Just thought one last chance, you know? KERMIT: No, it's not a cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: OK, um, me give up. KERMIT: What? How can you give up? It's something to eat that's round and orange. It's an orange. It's an orange! COOKIE MONSTER: Me like that fourth clue. Is it an orange? KERMIT: (YELLING) Of course it's an orange. I just told you it was an orange. COOKIE MONSTER: Me guess right. Me get cookie. Give me cookie. KERMIT: No, you don't get a cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: Why? KERMIT: I told you what it was. I told you it was an orange. You didn't guess it right. COOKIE MONSTER: Frog. KERMIT: What? COOKIE MONSTER: You know life, life not all guessing games, frog. Sometimes, we have to care about the friends, especially friends who love cookies, friends who love cookies so much they play silly guessing games because maybe, maybe just maybe a frog, a very handsome frog who has cookie will give best, best friend who no can live without cookies, give that best friend a cookie. But if friendship mean nothing-- KERMIT: OK. OK, OK. Here's your cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: One measly cookie? Speech like that deserves at least five cookies. KERMIT: I only had one cookie. COOKIE MONSTER: OK. In that case, me settle. [EATS COOKIE NOISILY]