transcript: Yo! I'm tired. Let's open! I got 2. The world's largest gummy worm. Let's open. They're from the
U.S. I think many of you have
heard about these. It's... You're kidding... Whoa... Wait... Let's see. Grotesque. The world's largest gummy worm. Humongous gummy worms
that look like caterpillars. I think Seikin did it too. Never seen anything like it. Anyway, they're simply huge. I can't eat two. This one goes to the fridge. I'll attempt to eat the world's
largest gummy worm by myself. I heard it's about 4,000
kilocalories. I can eat this mega gummy
worm. Piece of cake. So, I will now eat this
gigantic gummy worm. Let's eat. Okay. Okay. I may look like a small eater,
but I'm not. When I eat, I eat! It has a strong flavor and
it's sweet. So sweet. And... erotic. I can maybe shove it down
my throat and swallow it whole. I can still eat. Calm down. This is not what I was
expecting. This is definitely not
a regular gummy worm. Not what I had in mind. I can do this. No problem. Relax. They're tiny now! This is how you get
gummy bears. Check out the next video too!!
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so how about a try? A gummy worm party sounds nice.