
YouTube transcript

Eating the World's Largest Gummy Worm! (Perhaps)

Languages available: en

Yo! I'm tired. Let's open! I got 2. The world's largest gummy worm. Let's open. They're from the U.S. I think many of you have heard about these. It's... You're kidding... Whoa... Wait... Let's see. Grotesque. The world's largest gummy worm. Humongous gummy worms that look like caterpillars. I think Seikin did it too. Never seen anything like it. Anyway, they're simply huge. I can't eat two. This one goes to the fridge. I'll attempt to eat the world's largest gummy worm by myself. I heard it's about 4,000 kilocalories. I can eat this mega gummy worm. Piece of cake. So, I will now eat this gigantic gummy worm. Let's eat. Okay. Okay. I may look like a small eater, but I'm not. When I eat, I eat! It has a strong flavor and it's sweet. So sweet. And... erotic. I can maybe shove it down my throat and swallow it whole. I can still eat. Calm down. This is not what I was expecting. This is definitely not a regular gummy worm. Not what I had in mind. I can do this. No problem. Relax. They're tiny now! This is how you get gummy bears. Check out the next video too!! Share on SNS! You can find it on Amazon, so how about a try? A gummy worm party sounds nice.

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